Chapter 12

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Emma rushed to her chamber. She had a letter to write.

Garrett's assessment about Arthur Graves's involvement and the Queen's absurd persistence that Emma be a part of this was suspicious. She wanted to know what was coming. And there was only one person who could answer her questions—Rennet Munroe. There was little the man didn't know and Henry had often used him as an informant. But there was one problem. Munroe never replied to questions over correspondence. She remembered how Henry would always have to travel to some secretive place to meet with him.

Also, Munroe seemed to dislike her for he had refused to meet with her and had demanded Henry always come alone. Henry had informed her that it was nothing personal and that he had a mistrust for all women. This had not bothered Emma much previously. But now, she needed him to answer her questions. Quite desperately.

"Dear Mr. Munroe,
I hope you are well. I am certain you must have heard about Henry's passing even if you did not attend the funeral. I believe that he considered you a friend and you, him. And as his wife, I hope you will extend the courtesy of your services to me as well. I expect to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely
Emma Gordon

P.S.- I know where you live so if you do not write back to me, I shall have no choice to come pounding at your door."

Satisfied, she sealed the letter carefully and gave it to Gloria to be posted. She had just thought of resting her eyes for a while when she heard a knock.

Emma opened the door and it was Lady Beresford standing there, her hands folded in front of her midriff, a stern expression on her face. Sweat broke out on Emma's forehead at the sight. What had she done now?

"Lady Gordon-"

"Please call me Emma," she said.

"Emma," she inclined her head slightly, "I would like your assistance in planning the entertainments for the house party."

"I would love to help in any way I can," she nodded, relief flooding her body. She supposed Lady Beresford was offering her an olive branch. Or she wanted to scrutinize Emma more but she decided to stay optimistic.

"When do the guests arrive?" Emma asked.

"Most of them should be here before supper tomorrow," she replied. She began walking and Emma followed dutifully.

"I was thinking about organizing a treasure hunt, they have become terribly popular these days," Garrett's mother said, settling on a settee. Emma sat across from her.

"Yes, that sounds lovely. I'm sure Sophia, Charlotte and I can whip something up," Emma smiled.

"Very well, you do that. And we do have game, so I suppose we could plan a hunting competition amongst the men. I had planned for supper accordingly and we could use the meat."

"What if none of the men succeed?" Emma asked dubiously.

"Garrett and Thomas will come through," Lady Beresford smiled proudly. "The point of this competition is that my children can showcase their talents," she added with a quick smile, the corners of her eyes crinkling. Emma grinned, Garrett had been right-his mother was crafty.

"Will Sophia and Charlotte be allowed to attend the evening's entertainments?" Emma asked. The girls had not come out yet.

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