Ch. 15 "Nightmare"

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                                                    Zoey POV

It was late by the time we got back, 

"Look who decided to come back," Tony said 

I just rolled my eyes, 

"Sure Mr obsessive," I said 

I heard the archer chuckle, 

"What do you mean obsessive?" Tony said not sounding amused 

"Well clearly you don't have anything better to do than to stalk a teenager," I said crossing my arms

"I have plenty to do," Tony said 

"Yeah, sure like managing a band of heroes, and build on you're giant town, you are super busy," I said rolling my eyes, 

I felt Bucky elbow me in the side,

I glared at him then just rolled my eyes, 

"Why don't I show you to you're room," A teenager with long brown hair said 

I nodded walking away with her, 

"Wanda," She said as she walked next to me, 

"Huh?" I said 

"My name,"  she said as she smiled at me

"Oh okay, Zoey," I said 

She nodded and smiled, 

"I know Mr.Barnes and Mr, Rogers were quite worried about you," She said 

I arch my brow, Rogers? could he be? no no way there are plenty of people with that last name, Right? I thought 

"They didn't need to be I know how to take care of myself," I said 

"You know Zoey were not here to hurt you, we want to help," Wanda said 

I just nodded, 

"Here we are," She said smiling 

She opened the door, The room was huge, 

"Are you sure you got the right room?" I said her as I looked at everything 

"Yes, this room is all yours, what's wrong?" She asked 

"I've never been in such a big room before," I said stunned, 

She smiled at me, 

"Well it's all yours, Now my room is down the hall if you need anything, Mr, Barnes is right next door, and Mr, Rogers is across from you if you need anything also," She said smiling at me, 

"Thank you," I said smiling at her, 

after closing the door I take off my boots and fall on the bed on my back, 

"So much more comfy than a lumpy couch," I mumbled cuddling into the pillow, 

                                           Wanda POV

I walk back into the living room, 

"How is she?" Steve asked 

"She's fine," I smiled 

"Probably just exhausted from all the running away," Clint said 

"Gotta say kid has spunk," Tony said 

"Well she is Captain's kid," Sam said 

"Dam it's late lets get some rest everybody," Natasha said 

I went to my room hoping me and Zoey could become good friends, 

                                      Zoey POV


"Now Zoey how many times are you gonna act out, I'm the only family you have left,"the scientist said 

"You're not my family never will be!" Zoey said as she was being held down by multiple HYDRA agents 

"Well think about it, you're father is dead, you're mother is probably already dead," He said 

Zoey scrunched her face letting her anger fuel her she pushed herself off the ground and the HYDRA agents flew in different directions, 

"I'm gonna kill you you bastard!" Zoey said 

She lunged at him, only to be tacked to the ground by some of the agents, 

He chuckled, 

"You've got the same fire in you're eyes you're father did," He said 

he paused for a minute, 

"I may not be able to wipe you, but I can certainly persuade you," He said grabbing a crowbar 

Swinging it down on her as hard as he could, 

                                          End Dream, 

I gasped awake, 

Covered in sweat, I was having a hard time controlling my breathing for a few minutes, 

I take a deep breath, I look at the clock, 


"Great," I mumbled

I got up showered, changed, brushed my hair and teeth, 

I walk out to see no one is awake, 

I walk up to the roof, leaning against the railing watching the city lights, listening to the sounds of the city,

The wind felt good on my skin, 

I wonder what is gonna happen to me, 

I look down to see Captain walking out looks like he was going for a run, No that's not right he's looking around like in a panic, 

The he looks up and sees me and walks back in, 

What was that about? I thought 

"Zoey.." I heard

I look back to see Captain 

"Captain," I said still looking out at the city, 

"We need to talk," He said 

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