Ch. 17 "Fight"

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                                                       Zoey POV

After my talk with my father I'm in my room of the tower watching the time, it was a little past 10:30 at night, I pack my fight clothes in a book bag I have a fight tonight at the underground fight club but that's not what's bugging me what's bugging me is how am I gonna give the band of heroes the slip? 

I look out the window, 

Maybe the old sheets out the window would work, sure they would only go maybe half way down, but I can jump from that hight I thought, 

I used my sheets and any blankets I could find tying them together throwing them out the window then tying them to the bed post, I grab my hat and secure my backpack on my back and start climbing down, 

                                                        Tony POV

I was in the lab as Steve was telling me how Zoey took the news Bucky and Natasha were with, 

"So she knew the whole time?" I asked 

"Yeah, she told me she was still trying to figure everything out," Steve said 

"Hmm still curious," I said 

"Sir if I may," Jarvis said 

"What is it Jarvis?" I asked 

"My sensors seem to be picking up on something," Jarvis said 

then the screen lowered showing Zoey sneaking out the window, then jumping down the rest of the way taking off running, 

"Well, she sure does like keeping us on our toes," Natasha said 

"Now where on earth does she think she's going at this hour?" I said 

When I went to turn around Bucky and Steve were gone,

                                           Zoey POV

I am almost there I cut down the ally just in case someone did follow me I knock on the door, the guy slides the peep hole open, 

"Pasword," He said 

"Guppies" I said 

He nodded unlocking the door, 

I walk in, 

"Honestly who comes up with these passwords?" I said 

the guy just rolled his eyes,

I walked down to the locker changing into my shorts and tank top, 

I waited for the announcer, to call us, 

"Now lady's and Gentlemen the last fight of the evening! in the red corner weighing in a 230 Pounds and 6'4 tiger Claw," I announcer said 

everyone cheered, 

"In the blue corner weighing in at 95 pounds the teenage solider!" The announcer said everyone cheered louder

I walked out into the cage, 

"This is my opponent a kid," The guy towering over me said 

"Don't worry ugly it will be over for you fast," I said 

"What did you say!" he said 

the bell rang, 

He went to throw a punch but I dodged it, he went to punch again but again I dodged it again, 

"To slow ugly," I said he charged at me I charged him I slid under his legs knocking the back of his knees with my foot making him fall on his knees, I jumped on his back wrapping my arms around his neck trying to cut the air supply off, 

He punched me in the sides then in the cheek and eye, then he started getting up roughly pinning me against the cage trying to make me let go then tried again but still wouldn't let go when finally he collapsed, 

"And we have a Winner!" The announcer said 

after collecting my money I change into my street clothes and hat I look in the mirror to see a few bruises on my face starting to form, 

I look at the clock on the wall it was a little after 2 in the morning, 

"I better get back before I'm missed," I mumbled 

                                   Steve POV

me and Bucky have been searching for hours, 

"Steve she might be back at the tower by now we've been searching forever," Bucky said 

"But." I said 

"Steve she can handle herself," Bucky said 

"That's what worries me," I said 

"Come on we have to get back," Bucky said placing a hand on my shoulder 

I nodded we both made our way back 

                           Zoey POV

I was tip toeing through the tower I got to the living room when the light is turned on, 

I see my father and Bucky sitting on a chair, 

"Busy night?" My dad said 

"What?" I said 

"Where have you been?" Bucky said 

"Out," I said 

"Where?" My dad said standing up, 

"No where," I said about to walk out, 

"Zoey stop," Bucky said 

"We need to talk," My dad said 

"There is nothing to talk about," I said walking but only to be stopped by my dad 

"Can't this wait?" I said 

"No," They both said 

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