Ch. 19 "The assassin and the teenager"

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                                            Bucky POV

Me and the rest of the team watched as Steve paced back and forth, 

"You gonna tell us what's eating you or are you just gonna wear a path into the floor?" Clint said 

Steve Explained how after we talked to her last night he went to talk to her again and she was covered in cuts and bruises, 

"What?" I said 

"Yeah, and when I asked she just brushed it off saying it was no big deal," Steve said 

"She sounds just as stubborn as you," Tony said 

"Not helping," I said 

"How about I talk to her," Natasha said 

"How?" I said 

"The only way she knows how to respond," Natasha said cracking her knuckles 

"No! No way! absolutely not!" I said standing up

"Come on, kid is very good at fighting plus I'm not gonna hurt her," Natasha said 

"No," Steve said 

"It doesn't sound like a bad idea," Tony said 

"Then you fight her," I said to Tony 

He held his hands up in defense 

"Well do you have any other ideas?" Natasha said 

No one answered, 

"That's what I thought," She said 

                                        Zoey POV

"Okay so let me get this straight you want to fight me?" I said to Natasha 

"Yes," She said with her arms crossed

"Um, Why?" I asked 

"I want to see what you're made of," She said with a smirk

"That's of corse if you're too scared to," She said 

"No way, let's go princess," I said walking past her 

"Kid's got guts," She said walking behind me 

I'm dressed in leggings and a tank, were both barefoot 

We get to a huge room with mats and some exercise equipment, I didn't even know this was here, 

"Okay so the room is free roam, no using any items, just you're body got it?" She said 

"Fair enough," I said 

She throws the first punch, I duck avoiding it she throws the next one I avoid that one also, She went to roadhouse kick me I did a backward summersault to avoid it, she went to punch me again I make and x with both arms blocking her attack, 

"Are you going to avoid my attacks all day or are you going to fight back?" She said 

"Getting tired are we?" I said 

"Never," She said with a smirk 

I did a quick spin kick as she blocked it she still slid a few feet away from me on the matt, 

I did a summersault as I was in the air I went to kick her but she quickly moved out of the way, as she went to punch me with each hand I blocked with each hand grabbing her by the wrist flipping her but she landed on her feet, 

we were both losing our stamina 

"So you gonna tell me how you got those injuries?" She asked 

"If I didn't tell My father what makes you think I'm gonna tell you?" I said as I avoided another of her attacks 

"Because I'm not demanding it," She said as she blocked one of my attacks 

"So you thought fighting me would make me talk?" I said as I went to right hook her but she avoided it

"Well it would be a start," She said 

she had me almost pinned to the wall I ran the opposite direction running up the wall doing a back flip landing on the other side of her, 

She looked a bit shocked 

next thing I know she swipes her leg underneath me knocking me onto my back, 

"Gotta say I'm impressed," She said holding out her hand to me, 

I take it and she helps me up, 

"Thanks," I said 

                                   Third Person POV

the avengers watched their fight on the screen and they couldn't believe the skill Zoey had, 

"Like father like daughter," Tony said with a smirk 

Steve couldn't help but feel a little bit of pride watching her fight 

Avengers Daddy's warriorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon