turn on the radio, will ya?

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remus lupin and sirius black go to the same college.
why is this an important thing to note, seeing as all schools have been shut down because of the current pandemic? well, that's the reason the pair live in an apartment together.

that was the main planning at the end of highschool for the marauders.
same college, same apartment.

it was too difficult to find a cheap apartment with enough bedrooms for the four of them. (remus, sirius, james and peter.) plus, peter and james were going to the same college, and sirius and remus were both going to the art college in their region, so it made sense that james and peter pair up, so so did remus and sirius.
that was a lot of confusing blabbering, all to come to the conclusion that remus and sirius live together. they have for the past six months. they get along great, they've been best friends since highschool afterall. they have their highs and lows like all roommates do.

but right now is probably the lowest of lows.

"rem, turn on the radio, will ya?" sirius whined from the couch.

"can't you do it yourself?" remus replied, cutting vegetables in the kitchen.
the kitchen and the living room were in one space, and the radio was on a shelf around the middle. this was always the conversation: who's gonna turn on the radio?

see, remus and sirius are both lazy fucks. they'll do anything to put small tasks off for later, and are always last minute with projects for school.

and they're also big music lovers, so the radio is always on in their apartment.

except for now. because they're both too lazy to turn it on.

"i'm busy, sisi. i'm making us food. you know, so we don't starve and die?" said the lanky boy at the kitchen counter.

"i might as well starve if i'll be stuck with your snarky ass for the next two weeks in this apartment."


"how did you even say that out loud?" sirius questioned.

"nevermind that, please get your lazy ass up and put on some music. i'm slaving off here being the perfect housewife and you wont even be so dear as to put on some music for me?" rem pleaded. "either that or you can risk your perfect little painted nails chipping while doing the dishes tonight. how does that sound?"

at that, sirius jumped up. "remmy you shit. last night you promised me you would do the dishes today so i wouldn't ruin my freshly painted nails! this is unbelievable." he complained as he walked towards the radio and turned it on.

"updates on research for a vaccine for COVID-19, scien-"
sirius changed the station.
"74 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in-"
"remember to wash your hands with soap for at least 20 secon-"
"the gouvernement has recently enforced citizens to go into quarantine to prevent-"

"holy fuck, do they ever stop talking about this virus? it's all the news, right now, it's like its the only thing anybody ever talks about it. next thing you know, people are going to start writing fanfictions about it." sirius sighed, annoyed.

"i know.  people are completely ignoring the fact that troye sivan is releasing a new single 'take yourself home' on april 1st and it's insulting." rem stated.

the pair continued to complain together while sirius struggled to find a radio station playing some good music.


'i love you so' by the walters played softly on the radio as sirius approached the kitchen counter where remus was quietly sorting through baby spinach to put on his naan bread mini pizzas.

"this is the third time you've made naan bread pizza this week. and its tuesday!" sirius laughed.

"listen. naan bread pizza is versatile. its the perfect food. you can put any toppings on it! and it's always good! don't complain about my naan bread pizzas if you still want some food on your plate, cause i will gladly eat yours."

"gladly eat my what?" sirius winked.

"shut up," remus blushed and looked back down at his spinach, avoiding sirius' gaze. "wanna help me sort through this spinach?"

"whatever you want, sweetheart."

authors note: so yeah. had to find something to do while i have a month to spend at home. so this quarantine got me inspired, i guess. i hope y'all love wolfstar as much as i do. this is just gonna be a short coronavirus wolfstar fanfiction, warning right now, its not angsty, nobodys gonna get the virus and die. just all fluff and shit. anyways. let me know what u think i guess:)))))!!!!!<3 pls comment cuz comments always make me smile:) and vote too cause that never hurts ya know;)))) it takes a second and u have time to waste anyways all cooped up at home so yeahhh lets gooo. i'll stop rambling now. luv luv luv

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