going for a walk

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the sun's finally shining again. after weeks of pouring rain, remus and sirius are ecstatic. you'd think they're plants doing photosynthesis, so happy to be out in the sun on their balcony.

remus shoots little glances at his friend, his dark hair shining in the sun. his eyes are sparkling, he's full of life.

"let's go for a walk!" remus proposes to his friend, nudging his side.

"do i look in any shape to be doing any physical activities?? i don't think so, darling." sirius scoffs.

"c'mon. we've been cooped up in our apartment for weeks, let's go out! pleeeaassseeeeee" remus pleads, grabbing the taller boy's hand. he pulls him back inside from the balcony and towards the door to leave their apartment.

sirius lets him do it.

he's not so sure why, but he's relaxed feeling his roommates touch. it's wonderful and soft and pleasant, having remus' skin against his.

... probably because he has soft skin, sirius thinks to himself. he's constantly putting on hand cream. it does smell good. no- shut up! shut up about remus and his soft, beautiful skin, sirius.

the boy combs his hand through his dark, long hair, pulling himself out of his thoughts. he smiles to his friend, who's stumbled to the floor, trying to put on his shoes.

"what's the hurry? i need to at least get dressed. what if we see someone? i need to look my absolute best, don't wanna ruin my rep of being the most gorgeous guy in school."

"siri. stop. you look great,"

sirius can't help but blush at the compliment.

"now, get your shoes on! i'll even buy you icecreeaamm!"

sirius just simply can't deny that offer. he pulls on his doc martens, throws on his leather jacket and opens the door for remus. "after you, darling."


the pair walk down the sidewalk, bathing in the sun rays, the warm weather feels so good on their skin.

"i should have put on sunscreen," remus complains.

"poor baby's gonna be sun kissed, aww" sirius laughs. "why be kissed by the sun when i could kiss you instead, babyboyyyy" he jokingly winks at his friend.

"oh shut up, will you?" the short boy hides his red face. he'll play it off as a sunburn.

sirius forcefully stops remus from walking, grabbing his hand, pulling him closer. with a serious look, he whispers to remus, "i know you want me."

remus' heart is slamming against his ribcage. what the fuck. is he being serious right now? remus evades his eyes from sirius, a nervous smile displaying on his red face. sirius bursts into laughter, suddenly pushing rem into a bush near the sidewalk.

"you twat!!" remus yells. he calms down his heart race before getting back up. he jumps up and playfully fights the taller boy, trying but struggling to get revenge.

"you better watch how you treat me. i am paying for your ice cream after all. i might just change my mind, you know. twats don't deserve ice cream cones." remus smirks.

"i doubt they'll even let you in the corner store looking like that. leaves all up in your hair," sirius keeps himself from laughing, "you look homeless, darl." sirius reaches over and pulls out leaves and little sticks off of his friend's sweater and out of his hair. "there. all better now. look at you!" he smiles.

remus' heart always melts at the sight of that damned smile. he can't help himself from beaming back at him.


they finally arrive in front of the corner store near their apartment. "you stay outside, i'll be quick," remus says, putting on his mask before pushing on the glass door. he feels the cold, refreshing air on his skin and he feels great.

he walks to the frozen section and finds the ice cream cones. chocolate for him, vanilla for sirius. he then walks to the cash register to pay before exiting the store and seeing sirius on his knees, glowing, petting a golden retriever. "such a good boy! such a good boy you are!" sirius baby talks. remus giggles, and looks up to the woman holding the dog's leash.

remus shoots a friendly smile at the blonde, who returns it.


"that dog was the highlight of my week." sirius smiles, walking beside remus, on their way back to their apartment.

"mine was seeing your face when you dropped your ice cream on the sidewalk," remus giggles.

"why do you hate me?"

"too many reasons to count, sisi."

"oh shut up. you know you love me." the tall boy smirks at his friend, nudging his side.

"not too sure about that one."

"you should see the way you look at me, then, darling."

"you're funny," remus tries not to look at his friend beside him. he's right. he fucking loves him. and it shows.

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