quarantine day 3

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it was 12:49 p.m and sirius had just woken up. quarantine has been hitting hard. yes, it's only been three days.

"good morning" sirius yawned. he walked into the living room where remus was cuddled up in a blanket while reading a book.

remus stayed silent.

"rise and shine, fucker!" the black haired boy said while messing up his friend's hair. remus looked up at him with a frown and muttered "hi."

"what's wrong? woke up on the wrong side of the bed? maybe tonight you should sleep in mine instead," sirius winked with a cheeky smile.

remus obviously didn't take the playful friendly flirting as well as usual. he sat up, grabbed his blanket and book and went off into his room.

sirius wondered what was wrong. did he go too far? did he say something wrong? maybe remus is mad that sirius talked shit about his naan bread pizza yesterday. it was just jokes, after all. those mini pizzas were actually quite good.

should he go check up on remus? or give him some time?
this was complicated.

sirius has known remus since high school, but their friendship has always been different than with the others. they were close but it was just... different. complicated.

sirius always second guessed himself when it came to remus.

he wouldn't give two shits about james being in a shitty mood, he would just go on and ask him what the fuck he's going through. and it was settled. they'd talk it through, and it worked out.

but with remus... well. remus was sensitive. sirius wanted anything but to hurt the boy, he was always careful with his words when remus was having a bad day. their friendship was just different than any old dude bro friendship. you get what i mean.

there was the mutual flirting, of course, but that's been an ongoing joke. since they're both into guys, they joke about being into each other. but it's always been jokes. sirius doesn't actually have feeling for remus.

that's just not even a possibility in sirius' mind. liking remus? nah. he's his best friend. that's like saying he likes james or peter, and that's just weird. if sirius would've liked remus, he would've known by now. feelings are complicated, but sirius has his shit in order.

list of sirius' shit (in order):
- be punk rock
- never catch feelings or get attached
- don't leave shit unsettled
- have a good time

never catch feelings. sirius has had hookups in the past, but it's never been more than that. he's tried, but has figured that feelings? that's not punk rock. doesn't mix well with him.

so yeah, no. sirius hasn't spent a second of his time thinking about whether or not he likes remus, (who has time for that?) because he obviously doesn't.

so after pouring a bowl of cheerios and shoveling it into his mouth like there was no tomorrow, sirius decided to check up on his friend. (friend. nothing more.)((but then again, he doesn't have to remind himself that remus is only his friend.))

he softly knocked at the door before walking in and seeing remus buried under his covers.

"rem, what's going on? did i do something?"

"mmffph," said remus, his voice muffled through the covers.

sirius sat by remus and placed his hand on the boys shoulder. "i'm sorry. i don't really know what's going on with you, but knowing myself and how often i fuck up without realizing it, it's probably something i did that upset you. so.... i'm sorry? wanna talk about it hun?"

"fuck, siri. it's not your fault, don't feel guilty about it. i'm just having a bad day i guess. overthinking and all." (thats the thing. sirius didnt really do anything, but it is partly or fully his fault that remy is feeling this way, but sirius doesnt need to know that, cause it would just cause other problems and more bad feelings)

"overthinking about what?"

remus sat up and looked sirius in the eyes.

should he tell him? no. bad idea. just say random shit that sounds like it makes sense even though it doesnt.

"just.. stuff. i dont really know, i just feel off and everything feels off and. i dont know! thats the thing. i dont know, and i dont know what to do." wow. so deep.

sirius gives him a soft smile and asks him if he needs a hug. i think hugs can fix just about anything? im not willing to bet on that, but i'm probably right, just saying.

remus and sirius embrace each other in a warm hug for longer than any best friends normally hug each other for. but we wont talk about it. they wont talk about it.

"so i didnt really understand anything you said but i hope you feel better soon about your.. stuff. i really care about you, and i hate seeing you sad." sirius squeezes his friend in his arms. "plus if we're gonna be stuck with each other for the next couple of months, i think it's best we at least try to be happy about things. i dont know. bad vibes are not welcome in this apartment dude."

they laugh together for a bit and make jokes until sirius suggests they watch another movie on their list since theres nothing better to do.

and thats how quarantine day 3 went. they cross off about 4 more movies off their watch list and call it a day.

author's note:
y'all. sincerely sorry. i have 0 motivation for anything???? so this fic is gonna update probably once every blue moon. but seeing how long this fuxking quarantine is going on for, i'll probably find the time to finish it anyway. also i have no idea where this is going anymore im just going with the vibes of shit idk??? sorry if its barely readable but i literally couldnt care less cause everything is shit either way!!:D anyway leave a vote & comment if u like, it makes my day:)) i'll try to put more effort into this. luv luv luv<3

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