Chapter Thirty Six💧

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I can't do it any longer, I've had enough of this bullying. I didn't go to school, partly because of the pain and mainly because I had to have a serious chat with my parents. So that brings us to that.

"Are you feeling better Angel?"Dad asks me as he sees me approaching them. I only nod.

"We should file a charge on them, they can't continue hurting you and we do nothing. "Mum says with anger evident in her voice.

Yesterday when I woke up in my bed, I was so confused on how I arrived there, mum ,dad and Max were all looking at me worriedly. I asked Max how I got here and he said he was the one who brought me here. The last thing I remember before passing out, was a figure of an angry James coming my way. Mum was about to go and give the bullies a piece of her mind when I begged her to stop.

"Mum it's okay no need to that. "

"But sweetheart we need to do that and protect you as our child. No one is gonna hurt a Collins and enjoy with no consequences. "Mum says plotting a murder in her head.

"Can I also join the revenge plan? "Marlon asks as she's followed by Emma.

"You can, sweethearts "mum says.

I facepalm as they continue planning on how their going to work, dad is also contributing on their plan Oooh no!

"STOP IT GUYS! "I shout gaining their attention as they all look at me.

"You're no fun! "

"Come on Mish "

Both Marlon and Emma say at the same time.

"I think it's time I go as Blue... " I say as I look at them pleadingly. They all shake their heads indicating no one accepts.

"It's not gonna happen! "

"Not happening honey "

"There you go Michaela! "

"Can you guys think about it first? "I ask pleadingly "And that's how I can get the perfect revenge guys "I say insisting on the word revenge making them more curious.

"That can be a good idea mom"Marlon says as she plans something evil on her beautiful head.

"Give us five minutes we'll be back "Dad says dragging mum towards their study , us being the Collins, we are about to follow and eavesdrop,

"Don't even think about it girls! "mum shouts as she closes the door.

"Will they agree? "I ask them.

"Of course no "Emma says

"They may but it will come with a condition. Marlon says. We stay silent as we await for the final word.

"We have finally decided honey "dad says as he comes in.

"And,,,,,,,?"I curiously ask.

"We agree, "I look at them awaiting for the but before I become happy.

"But.... "Marlon decides to help them.

"But if you accept to be homeshchooled "

"Hell no! "

"Fuck no!"

"Never "

Me and my sisters all shout at once.

"Then it's settled, you won't be going as Blue until the end of the year. "

"Mum please let me at least try just one day and see how it goes only one day. Please mum. I will only do that one day after that I will go back to Nerd Angel. "I say showing my puppy face.

They look at each other and nod.

"I love you guys so much. "I say as I jump on them.

"But they will be attending with you "dad says indicating my sisters.

"Why? "

"For the revenge Daaah "Mum says as the girls give her a high five.

"Can I come too mummy? " an innocent voice asks from the doorway. I see Nella there who happens to have woken up from her nap now. As am about to refuse, Marlon beats me to it.

" Of cause honey ,don't you wanna help us take revenge on the people who hurt your momma? "An evil smile appears on her face. Ooh no my family is turning my kid into them. But alas, we do love drama and revenge.

"Good idea let's leave the girls to make their plan. "dad says as he pulls mum towards their room.

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