Chapter Twelve

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In your eyes, there's a heavy blue
One to love and one to lose
Sweet divide, a heavy truth
Water or wine, don't make me choose
Selena Gomez
                                    _His First July

Chapter Twelve



The only thing that connected me to the whole world, the only thing that brought me entertainment whenever I felt bored or just tired of studying. I knew normal teenagers my age loved to chat with each other through social media and post pictures and stuff, or probably spend their whole day looking at memes.

Me, I see no interest in things like that... I had no friends then, so who was I going to chat with?

Asides from sending emails to Jen, I don't think I’d ever talked to anyone through the internet. I've never responded to dms from strangers on Instagram, asking me to follow them back... When I still had an account with Instagram. I never took pictures of myself to show the whole world what's going on with me.

I don’t even have a Facebook or a Twitter account, but I did have a Skype account because my parents used it to check up on me.

I just found the internet interesting, in non-social media forms. I get to read about writing, and other stuff related to it, I study history on philosophers and I really love checking out inspiring quotes by old school authors.

There's a lot to read between the lines in these quotes, a lot to see and a lot to learn.

The text from my phone took my eyes off the computer screen.

The computer lab being almost empty was sort of dark and I was pretty sure the light from the monitor was reflecting on my glasses.

I picked up my phone, my eyes scanning through the text message.

Dorian Keller:
Hey dude, just finished with the meeting, wa8n for u outside school.

I sighed, not ready to go home yet, but it was past school hours and I told my parents I'd be coming home with a friend, in which they were worried, yet at the same time, happy about.

I quickly logged out, and shut down the computer, picking up my backpack and heading outside school.

Today had been really eventful. Dany and I spent our lunch break in the library working on the speech, and we got a paragraph down, but I knew she wasn't quite satisfied with it.

Somehow, she had this idea that a perfect speech wasn't impossible, and even when I tried to tell her that we should work with what we know for now, she seemed to want something more.

Studying Dany, it wasn't hard for me to realize she was the kind of person who could get wherever she wanted. She hated mistakes and hindrances. But she's yet to see that this world isn't completely perfect. There's a fault in every single thing, even if you feel as though that thing is perfect.

"Hey." I called as I slipped through the doors, Dorian looked up from his phone.

"Were you with Dany?" He asked, pocketing his phone.

I furrowed my brows. "No, was doing some research at the computer lab." I said my eyes roaming around to see Dany's car still packed in its usual position. "She's still here?"

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