Chapter Sixteen

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                                __His First July

Chapter Sixteen


I stood impatiently in front of Dorian's locker, for some reason, he and Colby refused to pick up the phone after their really weird disappearance from school yesterday. Neither of them made it to lunch period and I was really surprised, cause they were always available and even if they wanted to for some unknown reason, leave, they could have at least told us. 

But then again, they ignored my calls and calls from the other girls, I had been worried, having barely slept a wink last night. 

Why would both of them ignore my calls? Was something wrong? Did something happen? 

I knew very well Colby would never let Dorian talk him out of skipping school, so something serious had to have happened for both of them to be caught up in it, and I mean something really serious. 

I tapped my feet in worry and anticipation, checking my phone in case I missed any calls from either of them. I was so tempted to call Colby's Mom last night, but I didn't want to seem too forward. Leaning against the wall, I tried to relax and think positive like I usually do. 

Finally, I saw Dorian's figure approaching from down the hall. 

Something was different, his hair was unkempt, his eyes had red circles underneath them. They were unfocused. He seemed physically in school, but his mind elsewhere. 

He looked like he had spent all night sleepless and teary eyed over a dramatic tragedy, but Dorian wasn't the movie kinda guy, so something had to be up. 

When he spotted me at his locker, the look on his face told me he would have given anything to bolt right back out of school. 

"Hey, D." He said, when he reached me. 

"What happened?" I asked immediately. 

"What do you mean?" He asked, unlocking his locker, and shoving his bag inside. 

"I mean you look like someone who didn't sleep a wink. You look terrible. What- happened? You haven't been answering my calls, and replying to my texts... both you and Colby." 

He sighed. "Must have been missed." 

I raised a brow. "And you mean to tell me you didn't check your phone since you and Colby mysteriously left school yesterday?" 

"Dany, please... I've had the most stressful and traumatic night and I have a headache that feels like there’s a hammer smashing my head in... So please... Don't ask any questions I can't very well give answers to." 

I paused. "What? You're talking to me Dorian, you can tell me anything... What happened? Is- is Colby okay?" 

He raked his fingers through his hair. "I- I can't say." 

"What do you mean you can't say? What happened Dorian? You’re making me worry." 

"Just relax okay... I'm trying to get my thoughts back in order, and I just need some time...okay?" 

"It's Colby isn't it? Something happened-" my eyes focused on a point just behind  Dorian.  

"Dany can you just not right now-" 

His First JulyWhere stories live. Discover now