Went About My Business Through The Warning Signs

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Important A/N at the end 

Chapter 6


As I sat there on the wall kicking my feet and humming Louis' name, I hear the patio door open. I turn around and I'm met face to face with a drunken Niall.

"Harryyyyy!!!" he slurs as he tries to walk towards me, stumbling in his path. I jump off the wall and rush towards him to catch him before he falls. His arm wraps around my neck and he looks up at me, his eyes red and glossed over. 

"Ni? How much have you had to drink?" I question as he drunkenly hums to himself, swaying back and forth on his heels. "Uhmm, This many!" he exclaims, he holding up 5 fingers. I giggle at his childish response and wrap my arm around his waist to lead him back inside the house.

"Whereeeee we going?" he purposely drags his feet, slowing us down. We walk through the patio door and heads begin to turn, eyeing the drunken temper tantrum thrown by this 17-year-old boy. 

"Hush, we're leaving," I whisper to him. He's making a scene that is drawing way too much attention to me, making me feel uncomfortable under so many watchful glares.

"But I want to stay" He's finally able to worm his way out of my grasp and looks at me through hooded eyes. 

"Niall you p-promised me that if I got uncomfortable, we'd leave. C-can we please go?" I say so quietly that only he's able to hear. My eyes scan the room and I spot the boy who called me that nasty word. He looks me up and down and scoffs, making me cringe to myself. 

"Fine" he pouts. My hand wraps back around his waist and we make our way to the front door, Niall yelling at people to "get the hell out of his way" the entire time. 

"N-Ni stop it, you're gonna piss someone off" I say firmly. I'm usually a patient person, but with everything that has happened tonight I don't need to get beaten up because Niall doesn't know how to handle his alcohol. 

We step into the cold night and walk across the yard, crossing the street and stopping right in front of his car. I hold my hand out expectantly, Niall's head cocking to the side as if I've grown two heads. 

"No, absolutely not" He slurs out, stumbling over his words. Is he trying to tell me that he's going to drive home? 

I pinch the bridge of my nose, "Niall please just give me the keys, it's late, you're o-off your ass and I don't think I'm in the mood to die tonight." 

"I am not off my ass! I can drive home 'arry" He replies, placing his hands on his hips. 

"Niall just give me the keys" I step towards him and hold my hand out once again. I'm trying to understand that he's not in his right state of mind, but my patience is wearing thin and he seems to be finding this amusing.

"No" he crosses his arms over his chest and looks at me with a challenging look written all over his face. I can feel my anger rising by the second.

"For fucks sake Niall, give me the g-goddamn keys, I'm serious!" I bark at him. He flinches at my words and immediately fishes through his pockets to locate his set of keys. Even I'm caught off guard with the volume and harshness of my words. I don't even remember the last time I yelled at someone.

I snatch the keys from his hand and walk over to the driver side, unlocking the door. I look back up at Niall and he's looking at me with widened eyes. "Get in" I dryly state and he complies instantly

I start the ignition and begin our journey back to my house. It dawns on me that I don't have my license or any real driving experience and the only person around me with a license is completely wasted. 

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