19: Pro Or Con

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Jungkook and Yoongi were snuggling in bed before breakfast, quietly enjoying each other's presence while Jungkook rubbed Yoongi's flat stomach. 

"I can't believe we're going to be parents," Jungkook whispered.

"Me neither," Yoongi agreed.

Jungkook snuggled his face into Yoongi's neck. "I've always wanted a family like this."

"This early?" Yoongi asked. "I feel like this is a little early."

"Well, I guess we could have waited longer," Jungkook mused. "But we did have a month or two of time to ourselves, and we still have like 8 months left."

"I guess so."

"And besides, there's no way we could have waited when you begged the way you did," Jungkook nipped playfully at Yoongi's mark. "I can't control myself around you."

Yoongi blushed and didn't respond, making Jungkook laugh.

"What do you want for breakfast, kitten?"


"Since you're pregnant, I figured you might be craving something. I was going to ask the kitchen staff to make you breakfast in bed to spoil you a little."

"Aw, you're so sweet," Yoongi pecked Jungkook's cheek. "I want hash browns."

Jungkook laughed and got out of bed, walking to their door. "Okay, I'll go get you some hash browns. Anything for my queen."

Yoongi laid in bed and waved at Jungkook silently, practically shooing him away. When Jungkook left, Yoongi laid in bed peacefully, thinking about how he was going to love being spoiled by Jungkook in the next few months. Whatever food he wanted... eating breakfast in bed... he could get used to this.

Jungkook returned a few minutes later and the smell of potatoes filled the room, making Yoongi sigh in content and give Jungkook grabby hands for his plate of food.


"What do you want for breakfast?"

"I think I want to eat in the dining room today," Yoongi stretched. "I've had breakfast in bed for the past few weeks now. Getting something special like that too often kinda defeats the purpose of it, don't you think?"

"It's not a problem to have your food brought up here," Jungkook insisted. "And moving too much might be dangerous now that you're pregnant."

"Walking isn't dangerous? The f*ck?"

"Shush, kitten," Jungkook rubbed Yoongi's belly. "Don't curse. The baby might hear you."

"I think you're becoming delusional."

"I'm just being cautious! I want you and the baby to be safe and healthy."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I know. Can you at least carry me to the dining room? I don't wanna eat breakfast in bed today."

Jungkook's eyes lit up at the opportunity to help and hold Yoongi even more.

"Sure!" Jungkook went back over to the bed and scooped Yoongi into his arms. 

Jungkook carried Yoongi bridal style all the way to the dining room and set him down on his chair. Once Yoongi was all settled in, he went to the kitchen to tell them what to cook.

While Jungkook was gone, Jin and Namjoon entered the room together, heading over to the table.

"Oh, Yoongi," Jin smiled. "I haven't seen you at breakfast in a while. This is nice."

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя