21: A Puppy's Anger

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Yoongi kissed his parents goodbye and waved as he left, walking out of the gates. Once he had officially left, he starting walking alone through the woods back home to the canine kingdom where he knew Jungkook would be waiting.

He breathed in the fresh forest air, smiling as he went. He was glad he took the time to visit his parents. He really needed it.

The only problem now, was that Yoongi knew he would have to deal with an angry Jungkook when he came back. After all, he completely ignored Jungkook's wishes and ran off without any guards to protect him. 

The thought made Yoongi want to scoff. He didn't need protection. And if he did, then Jungkook should have just agreed to let him go, and gone with him. Jungkook's rule had no logic, no matter how many times Jungkook explained it to Yoongi. As far as he was concerned, it was stupid and useless. 

He felt like he had been trapped in quarantine by his own husband. Like being pregnant was the same as having some lethal disease.

After a while of walking, Yoongi caught sight of the castle, and eventually made his way to the gates. He walked right in without being stopped by the guards, because they all knew who he was. 

By then it was rather dark outside because Yoongi had chosen to leave after dinner instead of staying the night with his parents. He didn't want to make Jungkook worry since he said on the note that he wouldn't be out too long.

Yoongi walked into the castle and straight up to his room, wanting to get ready for bed. He had a long and tiring day since he had done something active for the first time in a long time. He yawned and he reached for the doornob. 

Yoongi walked in and stopped, staring. Jungkook was pacing around the room, growling, before he stopped when he realized someone opened the door. They stared at each other in silence for a while as Yoongi shuffled into the room and closed the door behind him.

Jungkook was glaring and growling, his chest noticeably moving as he breathed hard in anger. Yoongi was quickly becoming frightened. He trusted Jungkook and knew that he wouldn't hurt him, but he hadn't ever seen Jungkook this angry before, and he started shrinking in on himself.


"Don't 'puppy' me, kitten!" Jungkook snarled. 

Yoongi felt like Jungkook needed to calm down a little, so he decided to give him his space. He walked slowly over to the closet to change to pajamas, painfully aware of how Jungkook stared at him the whole way there.

"Where the f*ck do you think you're going?" Jungkook snapped, stomping over to Yoongi. "Wasn't I talking to you?"

"I-I'm going to get changed," Yoongi stuttered, lowering his head to avoid Jungkook's angry eyes. "W-we can talk in a minute. Y-you need to c-calm down."

"Calm down! How am I supposed to calm down?!" Jungkook yelled, making Yoongi cower and lower his ears. "You deliberately ignored me! And you went alone!"

Yoongi felt his hormonal self start to cry. Queitly, Yoongi tried to say, "Jungkook, you're scaring me."

Jungkook was to hyped up to really take notice of what Yoongi said, and he continued on his rant getting louder and louder. 

"Yoongi I told you how I felt about you going out, and you decided not just to ignore me, but to go without any protection! Do you know how worried I was?!" Jungkook trapped Yoongi against the door with a loud growl. "If you're going to be like this then I'm going to have to take more drastic measures. That way, I can make sure this won't happen again. Tell me, Yoongi, should I chain you to the bed to make sure you can't run away again?"

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Where stories live. Discover now