Chapter 61

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Aelia's pov


How do you simply react to something like that. Is there a right reaction to finding on the supernatural exists? It was freaking me the heck out. It's hard to sink in. It actually refuses to sink in. What next? Vampires exist too?

I groaned and buried my face further into my pillow. God's exist. Oh shit, God exists!

Does that mean he could see me right now? Moping around in bed? Does he see me in the shower? Is he even a he?
I should be praying!

"Aelia?" my mother announced her presence into my room. I groaned into the pillow

"What are you doing, it's Saturday and you've been in bed all" she said. Actually I've been in bed all week. I faked being sick so I didn't have to face Luna. Unfortunately I was caught yesterday when she tried to force me to drink another homemade creation

"I just wanna lay here in my sadness" I mumbled

"What's wrong? Did you and Luna fight? I haven't heard from her in a week" she said as she sat on the edge of the bed

"Something like that" I mumbled

"What happened?" she questioned once again

"She's the devil" I said. Wow. Never thought I'd hear myself say those words

"Oh come on, not you too with this" she laughed

"I said what I said" The thing is, Luna has been honest. But she was never serious. How was I supposed to know she's actually a fucking demon. If she said she's barney, was I supposed to believe that too.
A/N shoutout to that reader for the idea

"Look, I don't know what's wrong with you two but you need to make up. She was supposed to take me bowling" my mother smirked.

"Oh sure, I should just brush aside whatever problems I'm having in my relationship just so you could go bowling" I said glaring at her

"That seems about right" she laughed. I groaned and pulled the pillow over my head. This was not happening.

"I just need some space from her okay? I need to clear my head" I said. There's so many questions. It was like finding out your life's a lie.

Like discovering a new purpose. Everything I've been told, was it true?
Are demon even good people? They're called demons for a reason.

Luna is... Different. She's almost angelic, she had honey sweet lips, they were soft as lilac. She wore gothic clothes in a rebellious way but had a cheery perosnality. Slender eyebrows that she wiggled endlessly when she smirked. She had coils of leaf brown hair that turned almost honey like under the kiss of the sun.
She's soft inside and out, she's my first in so many ways. That's why it's so hard to believe she has an evil within her.


"You seem out of it lately" Mia said as she leaned against my locker. I looked around and noticed a few workers installing new lockers a good few feet away. New glass windows were being installed, finally. It's been over a week without windows in this school

"I'm just not feeling well" I mumbled as I closed the locker door.

"Is that why you haven't been to school in a week or answered my calls?" she questioned

"It's just, complicated" I said. It really is, am I even allowed to speak about this? Hey Mia, my girlfriend is the devil

"You know you can talk to me about it right?" she questioned as she placed a comforting hand on mine. I gave her a small smile and we found our way to the gym

I pushed passed the doors to the gym and found the rest of the team warming up. I glanced in the corner of the room and saw our trophy standing tall. A smile finally crept onto my lips as I recalled our victory. It's the first time I've genuinely smiled in a while

Mia and I walked into the locker room to get changed, I pulled my clothes from my gym bag and peeled my tight t shirt from my body. As weird as it sounds, It felt like eyes were on me. I looked around and saw Mia was already dressed and walking out the room. I shrugged it off and dropped my jeans to my ankle

"I know you're here Luna" I said rolling my eyes. The girl emerged from the shadows. My breath caught in my throat as the sudden appearance

"How could you tell" she chuckled

"Vanilla perfume that I bought for you" I mumbled. My eyes trailed over hers. I noticed her eyes were bloodshot, dark circles hung around her eyes. I felt my heart break just looking at her.

"Haven't seen you in school for a while. Are you okay?" she questioned, I felt frozen in place, my heart was beating out of control being in the same room with her. I had no idea if it was good or bad but it overwhelming

"I... I can't deal with this" I mumbled as I quickly dragged on my clothes

"We have to talk about this someday Aelia" she said

"Maybe, but it's definitely not right now" I said, a tear threatened to fall. My throat burned from choking back the emotions that were building

"Don't do this. I need you" she pleaded. My eyes sqeezed shut and my heart pained at her words. My nails dug deep into my palm as I tried to stable my breathing.

I quickly wiped the tear that rolled from my eye. I shoved my clothes into my bag and aimed for the door. I sped walk towards the narrow exit.

Hell exist and I'm definitely gonna be there. Oh great, even more time to spend with my loved ones.

And that's what you missed on

It's 6AM, somebody please take away my phone

I see people hating on Aelia, LMAO. But really, Luna didn't actually sit her down to talk about it. She usually just said 'I'm a demon' in a jokey way or while she was smirking. Buttttt everyone's entitled to their opinion 😂 don't mind me

Also, shout-out to the person that told me my tits should fall off because of a cliffhanger 💀
I see you 💀

Daughter of Lucifer (GirlxGirl) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now