Chapter 69

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Aelia's pov


The rain dripped down the glass window, the streams flowed so effortlessly. Nature amazes me sometimes.

"I think you're hot. And I'm hot. We should probably hook up. Word on the street is you're single again and I actually dig lesbians chicks" a fool with Pussy hair on his head muttered next to me. I rolled my eyes and focused on the clouds above. He really was annoying but I didn't have the energy to fight

I couldn't get enough sleep last night. After Luna left, I just sat there. It was like I was drained, I was drained from every and anything I was feeling. Nothing washed over me but everything pained at the same time. Does that even make sense?

I couldn't eat, I just stayed in bed staring at the ceiling for hours. My thoughts raced through my mind all night.

I questioned my love for Luna, did I really care about her the way I said did? Did I really mean it when I said I trusted her?

Hell yes I did. Pun intended.

She's the first person to make me feel alive, the only person I've ever loved so deeply and the first person to make me feel like I was the most important thing alive.

I started crying at 12 in the morning for no apparent reason. Maybe because I realized how much I was in love with the devil's daughter or maybe because for no reason at all. 

The tears just kept pouring and pouring, I wasn't making a sound but it pained. I tired to stop crying but it pained even more to choke back the tears. Honestly, I just needed to be in Luna's embrace this morning.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by screams. I glanced in the direction of the wanna be Chase Hudson. He screamed in pain

"My ass is on fire!" He yelled, I furrowed my brows as he furiously brushed his backside through his jeans

My father rushed onto the bus upon hearing the commotion, he grabbed the boy by his shoulder and assisted him. They left the bus and I was left dumbfounded. How could his ass be on fire? Oh-

I glanced at Luna and saw her smirking. So that's a normal thing now. All of the unusual stuff that happened to Jake was done by Luna. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable she is when she's jealous. My eyes glanced over and saw Zack talking to-
Did I miss the memo?

I furrowed my brows and situated myself properly in the seat. I guess Luna has a way of bringing everyone together.

My head rested back on the neck rest of the seat and my eyes closed, a small yawn escaped my lips.

It then turned into heavy eyes and a drained energy. My eyes were slowly shutting, the next thing I knew. It was in a warm comforting hug. Perhaps It was an angel

"Why didn't you sleep last night?" the angel asked

"Because I was crying" I mumbled, the sleepiness was slowly creeping up my body

"Why were you crying?" the angelic voice muttered

"Because I needed Luna and she wasn't there" I blanked out. The sleep got to me and I slipped into a state of unconsciousness. A warm body to cuddle up to and pouring rain was all I needed today.


"Aelia, wake up" the sound rang through my ear, my eyes slowly opened to see Luna. I blinked rapidly and noticed I was in her arms. A blush spread across my cheek as I pulled away

Daughter of Lucifer (GirlxGirl) Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora