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(A/N: potential trigger warning. I don't really like how this one turned out but🤷🏿‍♀️)

"Wait, what?" Cristian asks, attempting to absorb all of the information I just told him and steer the car at the same time. 

"It's crazy, I know! I can't believe it but at the same time...my mom wants me." I put my head in my hands. Now is not the time for my X chromosome to be popping up in my life. Cristian looks to me and puts his hand on my thigh. I almost jump at the action. "I got you, love."  My head slowly rises from my hands, he seems to realize what he said as now, he's back-peddling. "I-I it slipped," his cheeks cast a deep-red tinge. 

In all fairness, I liked it.

"Why thank you, love." I say back. Y'all should've seen his face... I've never, EVER seen someone so red before. "You're blushing pretty hard for someone whose had multiple lovers," I say, fiddling with my fingers, "Have you never been complimented before?"

 He slowly diverts his eyes from the road, saying only three words, "They weren't you." I gave him the side-eye, trying to determine if he was joking or not, but he looked deathly serious. 

"I'm so sorry," I choke out snorting, "That was so corny!" He defeatingly smirked as he stroked his facial hair. "It was worth a shot." 

The laughs and such died down in the car. 

The reality that I'm being hunted by a Mafia leader, stuck in a contract and lurked by my mother hit me like a bag of bricks. I could really die soon and that's not even the scariest part.

"Monet?" Cristian asks, I shake out of my funk. "Your phone's ringing." I pick it up to check the Caller ID but, something wasn't right. 

"What the-" 

'𝐎𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐧🤟🏿💓' ⟼ Accept or Decline

"That can't be right," I rubbed my eyes and looked again. The same thing. "Your Dad?" Cristian chimes in. 


Thanks for stating the obvious, lOv3.

I quickly pick up, putting the phone on speaker "If this some disgusting practical joke, I'll find you and I'll curb-stomp your ass-" 

The voice tsk-tsks, I automatically knew who was speaking. Matteo. "Sweetheart? You're being quite hostile to your favorite Mafia-man." Cristian puts a finger to his lips and signals me to continue talking.  

"Stop playing those games with me, why the hell do you have my father's number?" He yawns. "You're boring, you realize that, ma douce timide?" He says mockingly. The darkness I first saw in Cristian's eyes returns. 

 The phone rustles before another voice appears on the line. "Hello." 

It was a woman. She sounded generically American. Siri has more personality in the way she speaks. "I want to give you a riddle, juris doctor." 

Superficial research; it didn't scare me. Anyone could figure out that I graduated law school. 

"A red car, a black sky,

a black girl and a white guy,

Let's play some tag, some hunt and kill,

many will die if you stay still.

What happens if you bomb Hotel De Ville?"

My heart drops as the lady hangs up the phone.

That's where his family is staying.

𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝐁𝐖𝐖𝐌) .Where stories live. Discover now