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A/N: Damn y'all, it's been forever! I just logged on for the first time in I think 2 years. I have this old unfinished draft of the next chapter for the folks still reading this story. 

Yes, I see y'all and these comments LMFAOOO. I don't know if you care to see this story finished-- just lmk. 


"Sorry? I don't recognize you." I say, lying through a faux smile. "You a-and that criminal killed my partner!" There was a small room behind us, giving me an idea. I briskly grab his collar and yank him into the room, shutting the door as soon as I got inside. 

"You're coming with me, dead or alive." The officer says with his gun pointed at the back of my head. Instinctively, I reach for my earpiece for the others to listen in, but I stop myself. I don't want any more saviors.  I've been on my own since I was eighteen. If anyone can get me out of this situation, it's going to be myself.

"You don't seem sure," I say, taunting him. "What if I was really this criminal you think I am?" 

His hands shook with apprehension; aim unsteady, though his finger sat directly on the trigger. "You're under arrest for the murder of Officer Brent Maxwell." The policeman says, his voice quivering. I take one slow heel to toe step and slowly put my hands up in the air.

"You got me, officer..." I condescendingly snicker, "Look at you go." I bit my bottom lip hard, contemplating my next moves. A rush of thrill ran through me; it was as if I were a college kid doing coke at a frat party for the first time. 

Is this what Cristian feels when he's in his element? It's riveting. 

In an endorphin controlled move, I grab his wrist and point the gun up to the ceiling. I pull the weapon from his arms and knee him in his groin, causing him to groan and fall to the floor in pain. Not even thinking, I point the gun at his head, my eyes wide. "Isn't it crazy how the roles always reverse? You should learn to take some initiative," He laid on the floor with his hands on his head, knees cradled to his chest.

Without hesitation, I pulled the trigger.

It was a dry-fire. There was no bullet in the chamber.

He yelped in response. "Are you a psychopath?!" I kneeled down to get eye-level with the police officer and smile as I draw the empty pistol back behind my head. "Maybe."

After striking the man with the gun to the point of unconsciousness, I pulled him into the back corner of the darkest part of the room and covered him with a black coat I found in a drawer. "I'll be back for you later," I mutter when I hear a voice sound in my earpiece. "Monet? Where are you, our target is standing alone." 


I press the output button and reply, "I was tying some loose ends." 

There was a slight moment of complete silence when Cristian replies. "Loose ends? Monet, what are you talking about?" I sighed as I smoothed out my dress and headed back into the party of the rich. "Don't worry about it now, we've got too much to do," I say lowly. I could hear him scoff in response. "Let's just hope you didn't make our mission any harder than it needs to be," Giulio starts. "If you go up the stairs and to the left, there will be a small balcony. Now's your chance."

In response, I walk towards the staircase, "I should add to make yourself seem as comfortable as possible, he's not an easy man." Petro adds. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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