15ღ (nsfw!)

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"A bachelorette party? That sounds fun I guess," Cristian replies as he peers into his computer. He was going through the finalizations of the wedding; 3 more weeks to go. We had finally scored some venues that would allow Cristian and his family in. They have quite a fearful reputation in Italy.

I frowned at him, "What, you jealous?"

He looks up at me with a cheeky grin. Something smart was about to escape his lips. "Not at all. Besides, you wouldn't want me to have a bachelor's party." I turn my head at the confession, "Oh really? Are you admitting to being a cheat?" He puts his hand on his beard, thinking about what he wants to say very carefully.

"I'm admitting to liking alcohol," he laughs. I roll my eyes. That was definitely a jab about the concert. I walk behind him to change the temperature on the thermostat. "It's always so cold in your office, Cristian. How can you live like this, you freak?" He shakes his head as he continues looking through tabs on his computer.

"Hey, love," he says to me. "Look at the wedding invites, they're done." I get excited and grab his laptop, leaving Cristian only with his desktop. "Be careful, you broke the hard drive for my last laptop when you dropped it last week. I can always buy a new one- but I can't buy my data back." I give him a half-hearted apology and look at the invite. Should've used a flash-drive.

"That's it? That's the best that they could do?" The invite's information was presented boringly. The flower design template I'd given the designer was gorgeous. It was exactly what I wanted it to be. Classy and Rustic, but the arrangement of the text was horrible. It was a monotone black and not arranged in any specific fashion. "It looks fine to me," Cristian says.

I shrug at him and hand his laptop back, "It's not my specific taste, but if you like it... whatever. I should probably go get ready." He stands up from behind his desk and walks up to me, "Stay with me a little longer, ma douce timide." He cradles my face, dragging his index finger along my jawline. "I can give you a wild bachelorette party right now."

The thought excited me. We hadn't done anything since Italy and frankly, I've been wanting more. I just didn't want to make it awkward by initiating. As you know, I'm not the most avid flirt, at least not like him. "I-uh," I tried to be cool, but he was getting to me. He snickered and went about his game of play, "You know what I adore about your body?" He asks, his chocolate eyes glued to mine. "Your legs, Mon Dieu, are long and perfect," he gently picks me up and lays me on the couch.

Delicately, he lifts my sundress and pecks my inner thigh in three parts, enough to make me replicate an ocean. He moves up and lightly tugs on my panty, "May I?" I nod in approval. Sensually, he removes them, exposing my sex. He kisses my clitoris, taking it in his mouth. Shuddering, I grab onto his thick hair for support. "I adore how your body responds to me," he says lowly.

Moving at a faster rate, a spill of moans escape my mouth. I could feel his slight smile against my pussy. Out of nowhere, he plunges two fingers into my entrance, causing me to give an involuntary kick in the air. Lifting his head, he revealed wide eyes and a cute grin. "That's a new reflex," making me hot with embarrassment.

Diving back into me, he kisses from the top to the bottom, until he reaches my entrance. He stops and looks at me with the most content of eyes. He raises himself up and takes off his shirt, moving in close to my face. His skin felt hot on mine and I wouldn't have it any other way. He kisses my lips fiercely, this time, staining his face with blotches of red lipstick.

He stops himself to glance at my chest, which was still covered by my sundress. Prompting me to take it off, I do it in seconds. I'm yearning for his touch to escalate further. It looks like he remembers something because he reaches behind himself for a box decorated in wrapped in gold paper with my name. "I've been wanting to give this to you but I didn't know when..." he says staring at nothing in the space. It looked like he was consciously day-dreaming, a tactic he does to avoid embarrassment.

I open the box while he still hovers over me. Inside was a pair of pink handcuffs and a velvet blindfold. "Oh-ho-ho," I laugh admiring the items. "I knew you were dominant, but I didn't know you got down like this!" His face starts going a little red when I explain myself, "I like it a lot." He meets contact with me when I smash my lips into his, speeding up the process.

He starts to unzip his slacks, his manhood was practically swollen. Seeing his penis was a sight that made me internally jump for joy. It also made me realize how it's been since I got dicked down. I sit up and pounce over him. Taking his sex, I start gesturing up and down. Quiet moans leave his pink lips as I go faster. His grip on my sides get harder as he reaches his climax, "Merde." he murmurs as his face flushes to a color akin of a ripe cherry.

I take my fingers, covered in his substance, and place it in my mouth. It was a combination of sweet and salty notes. The sight of it made him go wild.

Toying with him I say, "Take me to your room....Daddy." With an ajar jaw and surprised expression, he stares at me. "S-say that again."

Realizing what I've truly said, I cringe and shake my head. "Please say that again, mon amour." I bite my lower lip and whisper it, so he could just barely hear it.

Lightly grabbing my neck, he looks deep into my eyes and says, "Guess I'll have to fuck it out of you." He proceeds to kiss my lips. Following the well-known routine, he throws me over his shoulder and slaps my ass. An invigorating tingle travels from the tips of my toes to the ends of my finger.

"Wait don't go out there," I say. "I'm naked, I don't want the maids to see me." He sighs and puts a throw blanket over my ass. "Is that good enough for you, ma chérie?" he asks. "Great."

Once we're in the room, he drops me onto the bed and pins me by my arms, kissing my breasts. The feeling created groans in my throat that only he could make happen. He takes the pink handcuff with his mouth and lets go of arms, locking my left hand to the bedpost.

He gets the blindfold and places it over my eyes, submitting me to focusing all my other senses. Oh lord, especially touch. He enters himself inside of me causing my back to arch. My mouth makes incomprehensible noises as he slams in and out, the pleasure greatly outweighing the pain. "If you want me to stop," he says, "Just-" I 'shhh' him and envelop myself in his pleasure.

A bead of sweat trickles down the side of my face when he moves closer to me, his breath more audible than ever. A fire enraptures my stomach when my climax came in hard, like a high-speeding car slamming on the brake. Cristian got more than he wanted, I was spewing out 'Daddy' louder and faster as my euphoria went through its course. It wasn't long until he hit his again.

"I'm still not satisfied, mon amour." He admits, lying next to me as he takes the blindfold off of my eyes. I move my arm a little to keep it from falling asleep. It was an uncomfortable position, yes, but I didn't mind.

Cristian's hair was floppy and tan skin shiny from the beads of sweat from our activity. It didn't seem like he didn't like it. Maybe I need to be more dramatic next time. "And how may I satisfy my fiancé?" I ask.

"Keep fucking me; as long as you can," He says, getting on top of me, "And please,  please, call me keep calling me-" my phone rings from down the hall.

"Damn it," I say. "Bachelorette party." He sighs, "I'll get my turn after, don't worry." I perch my eyebrow up and register that Cristian is a multi-round guy. Guys like him are hard for me to find. My mind goes numb at all the possibilities; the places, the positions, the tools. I shudder at the thought.

"Well, have fun," he says, walking to his bathroom. "You can gladly join me in the shower."

I almost let him go when I remember, "Cristian! The handcuffs." he flashes a faux smile at me and unlocks it. "You were going to leave me here, weren't you?" I ask. He laughs at the allegation.

"That's between me and God."

𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝐁𝐖𝐖𝐌) .Where stories live. Discover now