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Jungkook managed to sneak out of his house without his dad finding out, well it was actually pretty simple because his dad ended up passing out on the couch over alcohol and his mom never cared about his whereabouts or wellbeing so it was really no problem.

He knew he could get out of the house easily, he just didn't want to stop talking to his neighbor. None the less, Jungkook exited the house and turned the corner. Taehyung was still on his mind and he didn't know why he wouldn't stop thinking about him, it almost reminded him of all of the high school girls who thought about their crush all day long.

But Jungkook knew he didn't have a crush on Taehyung, well he actually wouldn't really know how he felt if he did because he's never experienced romantic feelings. Only sexual feelings towards girls he didn't give one shit about.

As the raven haired turned the corner he almost didn't realize he was walking by Taehyung's house. Curiously Jungkook decided to peak into one of the windows which showed the living room.

Inside Jungkook could see Taehyung, his mother, and his father spread out on the carpet playing some board game. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, stopping in his tracks as he watched the family play whatever game they were playing.

He could see Taehyungs big box smile as he laughed alongside his mother, saying words to his parents which he couldn't make out. He could even see the youngers dad laugh a bit as well. Otherwise, they all looked happy which Jungkook didn't get.

"So he has a perfect face, perfect personality, and perfect family?"Jungkook mumbled to himself, jealousy taking over him as he continued to stare at the family. The sight of such a happy family made him feel down, feeling jealous of how perfect Taehyung's life seemed to be.

Shrugging it off, Jungkook continued to walk down the sidewalk. He couldn't scrape off the feeling he was feeling. He was feeling jealous yes, but along with something else. He would feel it in his chest whenever he saw Taehyung happy or smile, he always tried to ignore it but now it was just a bigger feeling which annoyed the hell out of him.

Soon later the boy made it to the alley Namjoon was talking about. It was packed with a bunch of kids from his high school, half of them he didn't even know the names of. There was a large speaker in the middle of where all of the kids were dancing to the beat of the music.

"Ay Jeon Jungkook's here!" Some kid yelled who Jungkook didn't even know was. The announcement made everyone's head turn in the said males direction, causing Jungkook to gulp a bit.

"Jungkook!" A bunch of girls started screaming, rushing up to the male who now just felt uncomfortable. The attention wasn't new to him but he just really didn't want to be there right now. Especially with such a virus going around.

"I thought you wouldn't come." Namjoon said through the crowd of people, tossing Jungkook a beer who caught it midair. "Oh come on Namjoon I'm not that much of a pussy." Jungkook laughed, faking the smile he put on his face.

"I don't know, you seemed quite busy with something. Was it that boy you've been talking to?" Namjoon spoke with a smirk on his face, causing Jungkook's face to burn red. "Boy? What boy?" A random person said in the crowd, causing a flow of rumors to start spreading among people.

"Is Jungkook gay?" The raven haired heard a girl say which immediately caused him to shut everyone up.

"Guys! I'm not fucking gay, and there is no boy. Namjoon's just messing around." Jungkook told, hoping the thought of him being gay would get out of everyone's mind.

"I don't know Jungkook, I remember you telling me a few days ago you were talking to some boy. Taehyung right?" Namjoon started, causing a bunch of drama to flare up among everyone. Namjoon was a whore for drama and everyone knew that.

Jungkook shot a glare in Namjoons direction, mouthing 'Shut the fuck up Namjoon' to the older who just chuckled and looked away.

"Taehyung? Isn't he that gay nerd who lives next to Jungkook?"

"I heard that Taehyung guy reads in his spare time. What a loser."

"He probably falls in love with every guy who looks in his direction. Fucking simp."

"Are they dating?"

"He's probably in love with Jungkook."

Jungkook tried to keep quiet at all of the things people were saying about Taehyung, it was so hard but he managed to not say anything and start up more rumors. As much as he wanted to punch everyone who kept saying rude things about Taehyung, he didn't.

"Dude you know what would be fun?" Jungkook heard some guy tell to the group he was talking to, he perked up his ears in his direction to listen to what he was going to say.

"What?" Another guy asked who Jungkook didn't know the name of. "We should totally trash that Taehyung guys house!" The guy exclaimed, causing everyone to laugh in approval. "Oh my god good idea."

Jungkook was currently in the midst of flirting with a group of girls who he didn't care about at all, but he was still listening in on the conversation that was going on behind him.

"By trash do you mean like burn it? Cause I'm down for that but I don't really want to get arrested."

"Nah that's too much, I thought like T.P it or something."

Jungkook tried to hold himself back from yelling at the group of guys but he couldn't hold back his anger so he ended up turning his back to the girls and facing the guys.

"Woah dude what did you just say?" Jungkook asked, putting up a friendly tone so he wouldn't get backlashed at first. "Oh we were just talking about how we were going to trash Taehyung's house. Great idea right? His house is the one next to yours right?"

"Yes but don't you think that's a little excessive? He didn't do anything to you." The raven haired tried to talk the guys out of trashing Taehyung's house but he wasn't getting far.

"Since when do you care? It's not like he's important to you."

'Yes, he actually is very important to me'  Jungkook wanted to say but didn't. "He's not important to me, I just think it's useless. You'd just be wasting a lot of toilet paper and Taehyung probably wouldn't even care."

The thing is Jungkook knew Taehyung would care, and he would care too much. The brunette was sensative and Jungkook knew how sad Taehyung would be if he saw his house ruined the next morning, even if it was just a bunch of paper.

"If you don't agree with us doing this then we're just going to assume that you like him." The guy stated, causing everyone to stare up at Jungkook waiting for an answer.

Fuck Jungkook thought to himself. He was really stuck in the middle now. He barely even thought about it before he came up with an answer. At the moment he thought his reputation was more important than anything.

"Do what you want."

maybe a TRIPLE UPDATE  bcs im having so much fun writing this hehe 🥴

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