Chapter 16

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“Emma,” Tom’s voice called out, waking me up.

“Hmm?” I groaned groggily.

“What are you doing in my bed?”

I opened my eyes. Was I in Tom’s bed? It was too early for this. “I don’t know. It’s comfortable.”

“Fine, but move over.”

I rolled over to the right side of the bed and felt Tom’s weight on the other side. I was about to fall asleep again when I realized.

“Hey, you’re not in the hospital anymore.” I stated.

“Nope, I got released.”

I thought about answering, but, before I knew it, I fell asleep. I woke up to the smell of eggs and coffee lingering in the air. My first thought was about Harry. I wondered what he was doing right now. How was he feeling? I wanted to be mad at him for ending whatever it was we had, but I knew he did the right thing. Harry was the stronger one.

I walked down to the kitchen table, where Tom was sitting with his breakfast. I glanced at the cast on his leg and grimaced.


“Good morning,” Tom smiled up at me. “I invited Harry over. We didn’t really get a chance to… talk about…things, and he wanted to see how I was doing and stuff. But I’m guessing he already told you because….well, you know,” he rambled on.

Did he not know that Harry and I were no longer together? I had guessed that Harry would have told him after I left the hospital, but maybe not.

“When’s he coming over?”

Tom glanced at his watch. “In around 10 minutes.”

Shit. I needed an excuse to get out of the house. “I’m going to get dressed and go get some groceries.” I told him.

I ran upstairs and slipped into a pair of jeans and a flowy top. I tied my hair up and put on a coat of mascara, pulling on my converse as I went back downstairs. I had just grabbed Tom’s car keys when the front door opened.

Harry’s eyes widened slightly as he saw me. “Hey, Emma.”

“Hi,” I shyly replied.

I glanced over at Tom, who was watching the two of us with a confused expression.

“I’m going out. Um, nice seeing you.” I said awkwardly, making my way out of the house.

I made a long trip out of what would have been a short errand, wasting my time until I could be certain Harry would be out of the house. I drove back to the house, grabbing the bags of groceries from the trunk as I walked inside. Tom was seated on the couch and glanced up as I walked in.

“I would help you with those but…” he gestured to the crutches that were leaning against the side of the couch.

“No, it’s fine. They’re light.”

Tom grabbed his crutches and followed me into the kitchen.

“So…you and Harry broke up?” he asked softly. I could tell there was hope among his sympathy.

“I’m not sure if ‘broke up’ is the right term, but yeah. We’re not together.”

Neither of us said anything for a while as I put away the food I had just bought.

“Emma…does this meaning anything for us?”

I let out a small, humorless laugh. “I just need time to myself, Tom. I don’t want to jump into anything so soon after Michael and Harry. It’s just been too much, and I’m not ready to be in a relationship again anytime soon.”

Tom nodded his head. “I get it. Can we just go back to how things were before all of this? Just two friends. Bestfriends.”

“I’d like that a lot.”

Tom grinned at me.

I laughed and let out a groan. “I can’t take all this mushiness! Let’s do something else.”

“FIFA 13?” Tom’s eyes lit with excitement, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Let’s do it.”

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