Chapter 17

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Last chapter! Can you believe it?

It had been about three months since the accident.  Three months since I had told Tom I needed time. And it was true; I wasn’t ready for a relationship at the time. But now – now things felt different. I appreciated things that I didn’t before: the smile on Tom’s face when he’s around his cats, how excited he got when a Natalie Portman movie was on, the passion on his face when he picked up his guitar. The little things. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized; isn’t that what love is?

I didn’t know how to tell him. It’s not exactly something you bring up during a conversation. I could picture it. Tom, can you pass the salt. Oh, by the way, I love you. Ha, yeah no. I had distracted myself from all of this by pouring myself into my new PR job that I had gotten several weeks ago. It wasn’t exactly the highest paying job at my starting position, but it definitely beat waitressing. Although I did miss working with Kayla.

I got home in evening and saw Tom, Harry, and Dougie sitting on the couch.

“Hey guys!”

“Hi Emma,” Dougie and Tom chorused. Harry, who was on the phone, smiled in my direction and gave me a small nod.

“Is Danny out with Kayla?” I asked.

“When isn’t he?” Dougie replied with an eye roll.

I laughed. It was true. Ever since they had officially started dating, they were inseparable. I don’t even think Kayla stayed at her own flat most nights.

Harry stepped out of the room to continue his conversation with whoever he was talking to. When he came back a minute later, he was grinning.

“Alright there?”

“I’ve got a date on Saturday,” Harry said with a smile.

I noticed Tom glance over in my direction for a moment to see my reaction. Truthfully, I was happy for him. It was good that he was moving on.

“What girl would possibly want to date you?” Dougie exclaimed.

“Aww, is little Dougie jealous?” Harry sat himself on Dougie’s lap and planted a quick kiss on his cheek, despite Dougie’s protests.

“Get off of me!”

“Seriously guys, get a room!” I said through my laughter.

After Dougie and Harry had settled down, Tom asked whom he was actually going out with.

“This gorgeous girl named Danielle. I met her when we were on tour and gave her my number, but she lost it up until now. So she called me up and now we’re going to grab pizza!”

“Nice, mate!”

“I didn’t even mention that she’s a drummer. Do you guys know how hot that is?”

“Aw, you can have little drummer babies!” Tom joked. Harry just wiggled his eyebrows in response. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind the whole baby-making process.

The guys left an hour or two later, and Tom and I were up in his room playing around with his guitars. We played a few songs together, but it was obvious that Tom was a much more skilled player than I was.

“How do you feel about Harry and this Danielle girl?” he randomly asked, setting the guitar he was holding on the bed.

“I don’t mind it at all. I’m actually happy for him.”

“Alright. I just thought it was a bit weird of him to mention her while you were around.”

“No, seriously, it’s fine. I’m completely over Harry,” I told him.

Tom absentmindedly strummed the guitar, seemingly thinking something through. I wondered what he was thinking about.

“So…you don’t like him anymore?” he finally spoke.

“Not like that. I…like someone else,” I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. Why had I just said that? What if he was over me? I mean, it had been months since he told me he loved me; his feelings could have changed. Tom was frowning when I gathered the courage to look at him. That wasn’t a good sign.

“Really? Who?” he asked.

“You, dumbass!” I laughed, relieved.

Realization hit his face. “Do you really?”

“Well, ‘like’ may not be the right word. It’s, uh, a little bit stronger than that…”

Tom grinned up at me, and a smile formed on my own face as I saw him happy. But he was a little too far away for my liking. I scooted forward slightly, wrapping my arms around his neck as he slid his own around my waist. We were close; I could feel him inches in front of me, his breath on my neck. The gap closed as his lips met mine, slowly at first, but more confident as he felt me kissing him back. I pulled apart, out of breath.

“I love you, Tom. And I’m sorry for all the shit I’ve put you through–”His lips cut me off.

“I love you too. Always.”

A/N: And, uh, wow. That’s the end of the story. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you liked it! I have another idea for a story, but with school being as busy as it is, I don’t want to start something and make people wait weeks in between chapters. But thanks again for reading! (:

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