Love at its best

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* you aren't! * said Lucius that's all he could say he just stood there in disbelief there was no way that was true. * I am, it's been some weeks now but I wanted to be sure and I am * said Narcissa smiling Lucius hugged her tight he felt over the moon he was so happy to know that he would be a father. * is there anything I can get you do you feel sick? * lucius was concerned about his wife he hated it when his wife was not ok. * lucius listen to me * narcissa swiveled him around so his eyes were on hers * don't worry about me everything is fine and please don't get stressed about me I am fine I only throw up in the mornings for the first few months ok and listen to me when I say this to you I am fine * lucius was taken  aback he thought his wife would be scared but by her tone she was serous.classic narcissa never wanting help * I hope it's a boy * lucius said touching narcissas stomach * it is I am sure of it my little dragon * she said Lucius didn't understand * what do you mean narcissa? * he asked * I sort of already named the baby draco * she said blushing Lucius looked at her * you name it as soon as you found out? * narcissa shook her head * I named him years ago... * she said Lucius smiled * if you have got your heart set on this I won't be the one to break your heart, I like the name draco * narcissa smiled * our little dragon * she said softly
Autumn soon turned into winter and narcissa was 3 months pregnant it was Christmas Eve. and narcissa was stressing. * what's wrong darling? * Lucius asked * nothing I am fine * said Narcissa Lucius smiled * something is clearly bothering you, you don't need to clean I can get the house elfs to do that and why are you polishing a plant last time I checked they didn't need polishing * he chuckled but narcissa didn't crack a smile * Bella is coming for Christmas Lucius * said Narcissa frantically while she continued to polish the unpolishable Lucius understood bella was a death eater like he was but she was much scarier. Bella was narcissas older sister. * Lucius I'm worried * said Narcissa * what about darling * Narcissa was shaking * I didn't tell her about the baby * Lucius looked at her she knew perfectly well that if Bella found out she was the last to be told she would get angry. He also knew that she would want the baby to meet the dark Lord as soon as he was born. * it's ok love we will sort it * and he gave her a kiss. The door bell rang Bellatrix was here narcissa opened the door and greeted her let's say Lucius and Bellatrix hated eachother and both had kept narcissa out of it as she would be heart broken. Bella hugged her sister and then noticed * Cissy um have you gotten bigger since I last saw you? * Bella looked slowly from Lucius to narcissa Lucius gripped narcissas hand Bella was trying to figure out why narcissa hadn't said anything then she walked right past them and into the kitchen she knew how she was going to find out the truth Lucius and narcissa always kept things on the fridge. Magnets, photos of them and anything they were proud of right next to a picture of Lucius and narcissa on their wedding day was what she was looking for a picture of an ultrasound scan she took it off the fridge. She was angry that Narcissa didn't mention it when she first arrived so she made up her mind to pretend everything was fine maybe Narcissa was waiting for the right moment to tell her . She sat at the table waiting for narcissa and Lucius to come after her. They came in after bella and narcissa went to the fridge to get the wine out. Everytime she went to the fridge she would stare at the picture and for some reason it had gone! Narcissa gasped bella knew she had realized that the ultrasound was not on the fridge as she had it narcissa got the wine out and poured it there was no way she had moved the picture she had to talk to Lucius about it but she couldn't show that she was worried to her sister.
Bella was in the spare room that night as she was staying over narcissa got ready for bed and climbed in next to Lucius. Narcissa plucked up the courage to ask him * lucius have you moved the ultra sound off the fridge? * she asked lucius turned to her surprised at the question * no why would I * narcissa turned very pale *narcissa are you feeling ok your very pale? * he asked narcissa began to cry * are you sure lucius you are absolutely sure * lucius looked at his beautiful wife and said *why would I lie to you * he said softly Narcissa told him how she had gone to the fridge and it had been taken. Lucius tried to calm narcissa down * look it probably fell off the fridge let's go down to look for it *
Bellatrix was in her room when she heard sobbing she opened the door to see Lucius coverting narcissa and kept telling her * we will find it * bella knew that they were talking about the ultra sound Bella crepted down after them Lucius was on his knees trying to find it but it was not there Bella couldn't take the guilt anymore and stormed in the kitchen. * I have got it * she said handing to narcissa * I can't believe you didn't tell me * Bellatrix mumbled. She knew narcissa was mad. She knew she had let her sister down. But to her surprise narcissa gave her a big hug and said *I am sorry* Bella was so surprised she should be the one apologizing after all she was the one that stole something *I am sorry I didn't tell you about the baby * narcissa said. Still hugging her she accompanied her upstairs to bed.

The story of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now