The vistitor

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Narcissa was slowly getting better but she was still worried . There is something you need to know about Narcissa Malfoy nee black is that she worries a lot. Narcissa sometimes finding her self battling with it . Narcissa started worrying a lot more since Draco was born she would have nightmares about something bad happening to her husband and son . At this point the dark lord was taking over gathering more followers each day . Narcissa was worried again when Lucius joined the death eaters she would stay up all night worried he wouldn't return . Narcissa worried about a lot of things but this time worry won the battle and it was taking over her body . Narcissa was always crying she was dizzy and she was always shaking . She couldn't handle it . Whenever she had nightmares Lucius was always there to wake up to he would hug her tight and tell her constantly that he was here with her .
Lucius was the one that made everything better . The one who would stop her worrying and if she threw up in worry he wouldn't be discusted he would care for her . But he wasn't here . His trial had happened he was put in azskaban . Narcissa began to cry softly she missed him so much he was the man she loved the most apart from her son Draco . He was the man that held her hand and stood by her no matter what .
Bella heard the soft crying and knew who it was she found narcissa by the fire her hand on her wedding ring tears sliding down her face . Bella knew narcissa missed him even though she didn't love her husband as she had to have an arranged marriage narcissa did to but Lucius proposed to her and she knew narcissa loved him very much . Bella put her arm around her and led her to the sofa Narcissas eyes were red from crying her mascara was running down her face like the tears . * I am such an idiot * narcissa said voice shaking wiping her tears away quickly. * no your not * said bella holding her close * you love him very much don't you * narcissa nodded and started to cry again . Bella told her to calm down as the dark lord would be here in a bit . Narcissa looked at her sadly * you know I don't want him here * just then the dark lord apparted . * I wish to speak to Draco * he said . Just then Draco walked down the stairs * mum what's going on * he said noticing her tear stained face . Bella knew what ever the news was Narcissas face was about to get more tear stained * narcissa will you join us * the dark lord called from the other room . * narcissa got up from the sofa and walked into the dining room and stood next to Draco . * Draco lift up your arm . Narcissa stood there shaken clutching Bellas hand no please no don't make Draco be one of them . * you are now a death eater * laughed the dark lord * your task is to kill on of the greatest wizards of all time Albus Dumbledore * he smiled Draco stared as his mother tears were falling down her cheeks she had gone white she was shaking her head as if to say under her breath * no please no * the dark lord turned to face narcissa * do you have a problem with this narcissa * he said everything was going blurry * I - I really need to sit down * she stammered hands shaking trying to reach for Bellas hand as she tried to get to the door * you didn't answer my question * he said making her stop . Draco could see in his mothers eyes something was wrong * my lord let her sit down please * he said frantically * hush Draco * he said * I want my answer * he looked at Bellatrix who replied * she has no problems my lord * she said holding Narcissas hand * she can sit down once she can answer for herself * he said . Narcissa was shaking everything was blurry she didn't have the voice to say anything . Everything was spinning she held onto the table trying to calm down the spinning * my lord please * pleaded Draco * she is not well let her sit down * he said rushing to his Mum's side to try and get her to calm down . * no problems * she said with all the energy she had left as she fell to the floor . * mum ! * screamed Draco . Voldemort chuckled * so Lucius wasn't lying * he said peering over narcissa then he disapparated . Bella then lifted narcissa with her wand and put her in bed . When narcissa woke everything was still spinning then the room slowly came into focus she could see her son he had clearly been crying she could see her sisters frizzy black hair sticking up from all angles . * what did he mean * narcissa mustered * the dark lord about Lucius * she said breathing heavily turning to face her sister then Draco and slowly sat up and hugged him tight * I am sorry I couldn't sit you down * he said * it's ok my little dragon * she said as she turned back to her sister * so ? * she asked it looked like Bella was trying to find a way to say it * Draco do you mind leaving me and your mother alone for a moment * said bella as he got up and left . Bella sighed * well the dark lord gave him a job to do he had to find a prophesy by Friday and he failed the dark lord damanded to know what the hell he was doing and why wasn't he working and he said you haven't been well and - * she stopped and stared out of the window * there is something else isn't there * said narcissa * did something else happen I don't remember he didn't tell me * she said * that's because you don't remember * she said * narcissa he - the dark lord torchered you as punishment for what happened and Lucius didn't want you to remember it so he wiped your memory * she said gripping her sisters hand * that's why you were not well * narcissa didn't say anything she just nodded .

The story of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now