The return of the dark Lord

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After what happened at the quidditch world Cup Lucius couldn't sleep. He knew he was in trouble. He had lied to the ministry about being under the imperious curse and if it was true that the dark Lord was returning he knew that he would be in for it. He also knew that if the dark Lord knew what he had done narcissa and Draco would be paying the price. Lucius couldn't let that happen. He noticed narcissa was behaving strangely she was being extra protective of Draco for the rest of the summer and always would be checking the sky to make sure no more dark marks were anywhere near the manor.
When Draco returned to Hogwarts for his forth year narcissa made sure he promised not to enter the try wizard tornement. She didn't want her son in any type of danger. She also wrote to him every week to make sure she knew everything that was happening. It was also something for narcissa to do she spent most days in the manor alone baking, cleaning and staring at the sky to make sure it was safe. She hated this time of year she missed her son and her husband was working hard. She also missed dobby their house elf that Harry Potter had managed to set free.
It was almost the end of the school year to her delight. Lucius was off for a week and he made her a romantic dinner. Narcissa knew than whenever she was made a romantic dinner it was one of two things she had done something very good or Lucius had done something very bad. Lucius cleared his throat * um darling * he spoke trying to sound like he wasn't nervous. * Voldemort is returning and I have to go to the riddle house tonight to kill Harry Potter * Lucius said so fast staring into his wife's eyes. * WHAT! * yelled narcissa in so much shock she dropped her wine glass on the hard wooden floor. * look darling I am so sorry but I have to go * said Lucius waving his wand to clean up the shattered wine glass. * the last time you went on a task for the death eaters you could have died! * she said tears forming in her eyes. Lucius gave her a big hug * I will be careful I promise * and with that he disapporated. Narcissas lip quivered and began to weep. She hated the dark arts and wished that her husband wasn't leaving her.
Ages later Lucius returned home * he escaped and Voldemort is back * he said * oh Lucius * cried narcissa. Lucius lifted her up off her feet and hugged her tightly * Draco.. * she said beginning to cry * it's ok he is safe * he said stroking her long hair.
When Draco returned for the holidays he was extremely shaken and when night feel when narcissa was putting him to bed he asked * how old were you when Voldemort was around? * he asked. Narcissa stopped in fact she had totally forgotten about her childhood she was glad to forget it. She and her parents didn't get on she was happy to be away from the slapping she got from her family. Which is why she vowed to protect Draco and Lucius she didn't want Draco going through what she did. * I was about your age * she said softly * I am scared * whispered Draco * we all are.. * she said trailing off. Narcissa left Draco and went to her room she didn't want to go down stairs she didn't want Lucius to see her tears.
She didn't want Draco harmed. She didn't want this.
Lucius was downstairs waiting for his wife to return downstairs but she didn't he walked upstairs and could hear crying from their bedroom. He looked to see narcissa crying looking an old photo. He saw it was when Draco was two years old the whole family was smiling Draco laughing he was holding him with one hand holding narcissas with the other. This picture was taken after the dark Lord had gone and he had missed askaban. He knew what this was about. He walked in and sat by her side. He Hugged her stroking her hair. * shhhh it's ok I'm here * he hated seeing his wife upset. Narcissa trembled * Draco -* Hands shaking she threw up on the carpet.
Lucius tied her hair up and put her to bed. Narcissa had distressed herself with worry a lot but she had not done it since the dark Lord was at large. * I am sorry * she mumbled. *You shouldn't be * he said softly. Lucius layed her down and felt her forehead she had a fever.
The next morning Lucius dicided to take the day off work to make sure she was ok. * are you sure you don't want to go? * narcissa asked. * yes I am * said Lucius kissing her for head. Just then Draco walked in * mum are you ok? * his face full of concern * did I worry you when I asked you that question? * he asked looking at the tear stained photograph by her side. Lucius turned to face his son now it all made sense. Lucius kissed his wife once more * I will leave you to rest * he said softly
Lucius dragged Draco downstairs * what did you ask your mother about? * he asked his son * I asked her how old she was when Voldemort was around * he said ashamed. Now Lucius understood.

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