Mother narcissa

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Once narcissa was allowed to leave the hospital she returned to the manor exhausted Lucius hugged her tight and told her continuously she did amazing. Draco was pretty restless and wouldn't ever go to sleep if he was alone narcissa spent her time rocking draco to sleep. One night Lucius noticed that narcissa was not in the bed with him he found her holding draco fast asleep. He felt so bad narcissa never asked for help. Draco began to cry narcissa didn't know Lucius was in the door frame *Draco please go to sleep * she sobbed Lucius came in * are you ok? * he asked Lucius told narcissa he would look after the baby  and put narcissa to sleep.
The next morning when narcissa woke up Lucius gave her a big hug * I am sorry * he said Narcissa knew he meant it * I shouldn't have hit bella * said Lucius. Narcissa smiled * no I am sorry I overreacted she deserved it * * I dont think she did * said Lucius ashamed
* she did for dissing you as my husband * she said and then she kissed him
For the following months Lucius would get no sleep his wife would toss and turn having nightmare after nightmare  and with draco crying he would move him into his and narcissas room so when she woke he could calm her down. This continued till draco went to Hogwarts one night she started screaming in her sleep pleading. She woke up in her own sweat Lucius hugged her tight as she cried he knew what the nightmare was. Narcissa would worry that draco or him would be taken from her she seemed to have those nightmares after draco was born. But this night was terrible draco heard the crying and came in. Draco saw the sight of his mother and asked * do you want a cuddle mummy? * Draco clung to her tight *my little dragon* whisperd  narcissa. Lucius told Draco to please go to bed but he started crying refusing to leave till his mother felt better. This walmed narcissas heart to know how much her son cared for him.
Draco got much older Lucius started talking about dirmstrange a school in Bulgaria. Narcissa didn't want draco to be so far away and she was overjoyed when her son got his exseptence letter to Hogwarts.
But narcissa fell ill in the summer and couldnt go with draco to get his school things. Lucius insisted she needed rest. He was very protective of her and told her she should stay home.
Every time Draco came home narcissa would make him a cake and a hug she and Lucius would sit down to hear all the stories Draco had to tell. But one day when Draco was in his third year he got punched in the face by a muggle born Hermione Granger. Narcissa cried the whole night about it. To put her mind at rest Lucius and narcissa went to see Dumbledore dispite the fact Lucius hated him he spoke to her. Narcissa also got upset when buckbeak attacked Draco and narcissa had a panic attack. Lucius took her to St Mongos that night as she couldnt breathe Lucius was so mad he sentenced the Hipagrif to death. In the summer after he returned Lucius came home with a grin on his face. For dracos 13th birthday he had been invited by conielius fudge to join him in his luxury box when he told his wife about it she didn't crack a smile she didn't really like quidditch

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