Objective 01: Mission!

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Hi! \(^-^)/ 

One thing before starting, as I said in the description, English is not my first language. This fic is an English translation, so I would appreciate knowing if I have any errors ... I translated it with the help of a google translator. So ... tell me if it's okay ^-^U

I hope you enjoy it!


She gasped wearily, hitting the punching bag in front of her countless times. A moan escaped her lips as her hand hit the wrong way, sending terrifying pain down her arm.

"You know you shouldn't train when you are upset" She rolled her eyes "I mean it, whenever you do you get hurt. Like now"

The intruded into the room, carefully taking her injured hand.

She huffed "It's nothing"

"Another nightmare?" His question was answered with silence "Angelus ..."

"It's nothing," she repeated forcefully, drawing her hand to herself. She didn't want to worry anyone, she didn't want them to have to worry about her poor condition. It was too bad to be the weakest in the entire organization, she didn't want to appear even more fragile in front of them.

But when does she get what he wants?

He sighed in exasperation "You can't pretend that nothing is happening. The boss already said it, if you can't tell us what's going on, we can't help you."

"I appreciate it" She said sincerely "I am serious, but ... nothing is wrong, just ... they are my things, don't worry" She smiled "Girls things, nothing that mummies like you can understand"

It was worth it, even with the bump that was starting to grow on her head.

'Why do they have to be so aggressive ...?' She rubbed her head with a pitiful moan.

"I don't know why I care about a stupid brat like you!"

"Awww you care about me!" She smiled, dodging the new blow on her face.

"Who cares? You're an insolent brat!" He took a deep breath, trying to calm down. He professionally ignored the minor's laugh "I'm not here to waste my time anyway"

Her laughter stopped abruptly as he turned to her, feeling a serious look on his face even though he was completely hidden behind the bandages.

"The boss is calling you"

Her face twisted as she walked alongside her direct tutor to her boss's office. The times when the boss called her were not uncommon, the truth used to happen quite often since she was in this gloomy place, but this time ...

A chill ran down her spine.

This time something was not right, she could feel it inside her. Call it intuition or something, whatever she had to do, her instincts used to be correct quite often, she had learned to listen to them and obey them. This occasion would be no different.

Whatever she should have expected at her destination, it didn't seem to be good. At least not for her.

She looked at her partner. Even when Jager is usually pretty quiet (something she learned all Vindice members tend to be), something seemed to bother him more than normal, it wasn't a silence like the others, it wasn't him not knowing what to say. It was he who I wanted to say something, but try not to.

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