Chapter 26- New Manager

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"(Y/N)! Help us!" Shoyo shouted at me. Why was he shouting at me? Unfortunately, Tests were coming up, and if any of the boys fail a test, they would have to take classes and retake the tests around the same time we have the practice matches in Tokyo. Shoyo.... He doesn't have the best grades.

I sighed and faced Shoyo and Kageyama, who was right next to him, also hoping I could help. "Shoyo, we went over this. I'm no good at teaching or tutoring, I wouldn't be much help."

Alarm went across his face. "But you have really good grades!"

"And like I told you in middle school, I struggled so much to get those grades in the first place. I may get good grades, but I'm no good at teaching others." Trust me, if I were to study the same amount as someone normally did, I would probably be struggling to keep my grades up right now. 

Shoyo hanged his head down dejectedly. "I was afraid you'd say this..."

I gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry! But I'm sure you two will figure something out."

"Well... We do have a plan b." He told me what it was and I cringed. Geez now I feel bad for them, having to ask 'him' for help. Now I feel guilty for not being able to help out.

I gave them both a pat on the shoulder. "Good luck you two. You're both gonna need it, and I'm not just talking about for the tests."

(Time Skip)

It was a few days later. Shoyo, Kageyama, Tanaka, and Nishinoya had been working hard to study for the upcoming tests. I have to admit, I was a little surprised that Shoyo and Kageyama managed to convince Tsukishima to help them.

I was already in the gym with the boys, but Kiyoko wasn't here yet. 'Where is she?' As soon as I thought that, I heard her voice calling out to everyone in the room. 

"Hey, do you have a moment?" Everyone turned to face her.

When I looked her way, I thought I saw someone hiding behind her. 'Is that...' I looked closely. When I see the person shyly peek their head from behind her, I couldn't help but gasp in excitement. "Hitoka!" I shouted in happiness and ran over to her and brought her into a hug.

"(Y-Y/N)!" She was a little surprised when I suddenly brought her into a hug, but she was relieved when she saw a familiar face.

"You really came, thank you so much. I'm so happy!"

She flushed in embarrassment. "I-it's no problem."

Apparently I wasn't the only excited one. "So you found a new person!" Shoyo shouted. He also knew about the searching for a new manager since Kiyoko also asked him if he knew any first-years.

Hitoka went back to shaking in fear. The loud duo and Suga came over. "What's going on?" Noya questioned.

Kiyoko turned to Hitoka with a smile as we stood on either side of her. "Um, she's joining the club on a trial basis as the new manager."

I also smiled. "She's a friend from my class."

Hitoka faced everyone with a nervous expression on her face and proceeded to introduce herself. "I-I'm Yachi Hitoka!" Everyone started to gather around and she started to freak out a bit at all the attention. I grabbed her hand to reassure her. She turned to me with a grateful smile and slightly pink cheeks.

"Thank goodness. Now there'll be another manager next year to help (Y/N)." Asahi said with a smile.

"Sh-she hasn't actually joined yet. I asked her suddenly today after (Y/N) told her to come see me, and before work with the committee, so she's just dropping by to say hi today."

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