Chapter 28- They Fight

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The next day came and went, and it was... Not good. 

All the teams that were there were staying the night at the school we were staying at, and everyone went back to having practice matches against each other the next day until it was time for everyone to go home. It was about time for our team to evolve and get better, however things between Shoyo and Kageyama were just downright awful. They ended up having a disagreement and Shoyo was switched out for the rest of the day until we left.

I didn't exactly think things would get any worse... But I was wrong.

Shoyo, Kageyama, Hitoka and I were all in the gymnasium together at our school after we got back because Shoyo asked Kageyama for tosses. Hitoka and I were there to through the balls up in the air for them. Shoyo kept on trying to spike with his eyes open, which resulted in fail after fail. 

I was starting to feel uneasy. Soon Kageyama was having enough and he looked at him angrily. "Instead of practicing an attack we're not sure you'll ever be able to do, you should be working on the attacks we've been using, as well as serving and blocking!" He shouted.

Shoyo was panting, out of breath because of all his fruitless effort. "But if this quick doesn't work, there's no point in me being on the court."

Kageyama continues yelling at him. "And I told you, your will isn't needed for that quick! I'll give you tosses that won't be stopped by blocks!"

Shoyo then started to yell back at him. "But then I'll never get better!" By this point, Hitoka and I were looking at the two nervously, not knowing what to say or do. They were really going at it...

"The prelims for the spring tournament start next month! They're right around the corner. What do you think will be an effective weapon for us?" He grabs Shoyo by the collar of his shirt. "A complete quick or an absolutely useless quick?! Huh?!"

"Uh guys?..." I tried speaking up to get their attention. Hitoka tried to help me.

"N-no fighting, guys." Unfortunately for us, they did not listen and continued to argue.

"I want to be strong enough to compete by myself!"

"Your selfishness is going to destroy the team's balance!" Kageyama throws him to the ground. 

"Let's all... Let's all be friends, o-okay?" Hitoka said.

"C-come on guys. Isn't all this fighting a bit much?" I really didn't like where this was going.

Things only escalated from there, now they were full blown fighting. Both in a state of panic, Hitoka and I both immediately went out of the gymnasium to find someone to help us stop them. That's when we saw Tanaka off in the distance. "Senpai!" 

"Tanaka! P-please help! They're fighting!" I pleaded.

His eyes widened and he quickly made his way inside the gym to put an end to their fighting. "Hey! Stop it you two!"

(Time Skip)

Shoyo and I were on our way home after walking a bit with Hitoka until we reached her bus stop, now it's just the two of us. Usually our trips back home together would be filled with chatter, but now there was awkward silence. After a while, he decided to speak up. "(Y/N)?" However, his words were a bit unpleasant. "I don't want it to seem like you should pick sides but... when Kageyama was arguing against me, why didn't you defend me?"

My eyes widened in disbelief at his words. 'He was seriously asking me why I didn't side with him?' "Shoyo, this is between the two of you. It has nothing to do with me."

"But it affects the whole team. You've been friends with me the longest so I thought... you would agree with me." He looks down, looking a bit sad and betrayed. "D-do you agree with Kageyama?..."

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