Chapter 27- Tokyo Practice Matches

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"Is that..."

"Could that be..."

"The Skytree?!" The loud duo shouted.

One of the guys from Nekoma just smiled at them. "No, that's just a transmission tower."

Then Kuroo started laughing like a hyena. He stopped though when I went flying at him, fist in his gut. "OOF!" That's what he gets for sending that rude message about my height! Despite the pain he was in, he sent me a smile. "It's nice too see you too (Y/N)..."

I wasn't mad at him anymore now that I got my revenge, so I smiled back. "Hi! How've you been?" We then started casually talking to each other.

Those who were nearby looked at us in disbelief. 'They're just going to act like nothing happened?!'

"Actually, hey..." Kuroo turned to Daichi who was nearby. "Aren't we missing some people?"

Daichi and I looked a little nervous. "Actually..." He started off.

I laughed nervously. "They both failed a test at school, so they have to stay behind."

"I see." He shrugs his shoulders. The three of us started making our way to the gymnasium. "So the power duo's taking some supplementary exams right now?"

We were then startled by some sudden yelling coming from the mohawk guy, who was checking out me, Kiyoko, and Hitoka. "Th... Th... There's three girls now! Now they've got a pretty one and two cute ones!" He shouted, slumping to the ground. Kiyoko had Hitoka get behind her and she looked at me and gave me a look basically telling me to watch out for the weird guy.

Then Tanaka came up next to him and did a weird pose. "Do you see, Tora? This is what Karasuno's true ability looks like."

I tilted my head to the side. "What does he mean by that?"

Daichi sighs and pats me on the head. "Don't worry about it too much, it's just Tanaka being Tanaka."

Kuroo pats me on the back. "Yamamoto is just being annoying." He then turns to the third years of Karasuno. "All right. When you're all ready, come to the gym." He wraps a arm around my shoulders and begun bringing me with him to wherever he was going. "But this little missy here is coming with me. I'm going to be introducing her to a friend."

The third years didn't know what to say as Mr. bedhead dragged me away from them. Asahi especially was a bit upset by how close he was to me. But I had no idea about that because in this fanfic, I'm dense af. And that's how it is.

We made it inside the gymnasium where all the other teams were and Kuroo was looking around for someone. "Who is the friend you were talking about?"

"He's the captain of the Fukurodani team... Oh." Said captain came running up to us. 

"Hey hey hey! Is this the girl you were telling me about Kuroo?!" He said, glancing at me excitedly.

'Kuroo talks about me?' Well, I guess there's no reason why he wouldn't, but I guess I just wasn't expecting it. All the excitement that he was giving off reminded me a bit of Shoyo, but maybe just a bit more then my him. It put a smile on my face. "Hi! I'm (L/N) (Y/N)."

He gasps dramatically. "Oh my goodness you are so cute!" Then he brought me into a hug... A TIGHT hug... Bad move buddy, bad move. "My name is Bokuto Koutarou! Kuroo you traitor! You should've told me about this little cutie! I just want to take her back to my school and make her my team's manager instead!" What's up with people wanting to kidnap me and make me their manager? And why are they always the ones to give me suffocating hugs? What did I do to deserve this?

Kuroo noticed how I went eerily quiet and had a dark aura around me. "(Y/N)?"


"Ah! She bit my arm! Kuroo she bit me!" Huh, I feel like I've heard this line before.

Kuroo crouched down to my height and started scolding me with a smirk. "Hey, that's not nice now is it?"

I gave him a punch to his arm. "Don't crouch down to talk to me. And I don't want to die from death hugs." I said seriously and innocently.

Kuroo just laughs at my words and Bokuto had hope shining in his eyes. "Does that mean I can still hug you?!"

I thought about, I guess if it's not a tight one it should be okay. "Yes?"

"Hooray!" And now I was back in his arms. This guy sure is weird, first he was upset that I bit him, and now he's back to hugging me. However, I guess he's not a bad guy, so I hugged him back. I didn't notice since I wasn't facing Kuroo, but he was giving his friend a bit of a dirty look.

(Time Skip)

After a bit of practicing with the other teams, a woman came inside the gym. "Hey, they're still at it. We totally made it, not bad at all." She said aloud. I'm assuming she's the sister Tanaka mentioned before.

If she's here, then that could only mean that Shoyo and Kageyama are here as well. I ran up to where she was at. "Hello Tanaka's sister! Thanks for bringing my friends here!" I said with a cheerful smile.

When she saw me, her eyes widened and a big smile spread across her face. "Oh my goodness, well aren't you just a cutie! When Ryu told me that he had an adorable underclassman, he sure wasn't kidding! Call  me Saeko-nee." She says this as she grabs my cheeks and starts squishing them.

I whine in protest. "Please let go of my face..."

"(Y/N)!" After she lets go, Shoyo ran up to me and brought me into a hug, a normal one thankfully. "I'm here!" Kageyama came up behind him and pulled him back suddenly, which actually surprised both of us. They were looking at each other angrily. "What the heck Kageyama?!"

"You idiot, we need to.... uh, go join the others!" He said as he started dragging him to their team with slightly pink cheeks.

Saeko had watched what happened in amusement and let out a loud laugh. "Oh my.~"

I looked at her, very confused. "Huh? What is it?"

She just smirks and goes back to squishing my cheeks. "Who knows.~ Now let me play with you for a lil bit!" Now she's just messing with my face at this point, and was forcing me to make funny facial expressions.

"Ack! Please Stop!"

"Ack! Please Stop!"

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