Chapter 34- Karasuno vs Johzenji

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Its was going to be a while before we can continue doing matches, so the boys have been using this time to train hard. We even have gone to Tokyo a few times for practice matches. Day after day has gone by, and it was now time for the qualifier matches. After entering the building where the matches were being held, Shoyo went off to find the restrooms. Some time after he left, I figured it might've been a bad idea to let him go alone, since he talked about how whenever he went to the bathrooms at these places, he runs into what he calls 'dangerous people'. After debating in my head whether or not I should follow him, I made up my mind and decided to do it. He was taking a while anyway.

After walking around for a small bit, I finally found Shoyo and called out to him. "Shoyo!" I paused however when I saw three familiar faces. There was Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Ushijima. Even from afar, I could tell that things seemed tense. They all seemed to have heard me from when I shouted Shoyo's name.

They all turned to see me. Oikawa's angered frown had turned into a cheery smile when he saw me. "(Y/N)! I'm happy to see you!"

I smiled big. "Hi!" I then faced Ushijima. I then immediately did what I did when I first saw him again after many years. I jumped on him and he caught me. "Wakatoshi!" I happily called out his name.

And yes. I am calling him by his first name now. You may not have known this but me and him have been texting. But it's not shown in this story because in case you've forgotten, Author is the laziest of them all and apparently likes to break down walls until they no longer exist. Anyway, while we were texting each other one day, we decided that I should call him Wakatoshi since he was an old friend that I was really close with.

People looked at us as they walked by, but the two of us don't really care. I mean, it's Wakatoshi we are talking about here. He doesn't care too much of what people say about him, so he's not actually embarrassed. Neither was I, but that's because I was in such a good mood that I'm just not bothered. However, even though I was not the one who was bothered, there are a couple others who feel exactly this way.

Shoyo looked in shock. He saw me do this last time, so this isn't what he was surprised with. It was the fact that I called him by his given name. "f-first name?!"

Still holding on to Wakatoshi, I nodded my head. "That's right!"

Oikawa started to feel really irritated, but he tries his best to hide it. "Oh yeah? Why's that?" He asks calmly, although he's anything but calm right now.

With a straight face Wakatoshi answered him for me. "We were friends when we were kids and we are now. So it's only natural." He said matter of factly, which just seemed to make Oikawa even more angry.

At this point he was more than bothered, he was downright mad. "Oh really?..." He takes notice that Wakatoshi held onto me a little while longer before putting me down, looked at him and gave a hmph sound. It wasn't much at all, but it gave Oikawa an idea. Ooooh no. He didn't like this. He already had to deal with Ushijima beating him in volleyball when they play against each other. He finally found someone who he feels he could be happy with, and he's not about to let him of all people come and steal her away. He glares at Ushijima.

Ushijima took notice of this. He didn't show much emotion, but he did noticeably narrow his eyes as he stares at him. They both knew. Let's just say they might not just be rivals in volleyball. But of course the Author made me dense so obviously I wouldn't have noticed this. While the two had their little staring contest, I grabbed Shoyo's hand. "Come on, we should get going. You have to do a match soon."

The two turned their stares stares from each other to Shoyo, who flinched. "Y-yeah..." As they were walking away to join the rest of the team, Shoyo could practically feel the burning from their stares on the back of his head.

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