Ice Cream Pancakes

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     I'm posting this a few hours later than usual because my best friend, Aaliyah; who just came back from her mom's who lives in another state, is staying the night (we're breaking the rules of social distancing XD) and I wanted to hang out with her as much as possible before the she fell asleep. Now that she's sleeping, I'm writing because I have the most inspiration from 1AM - 4AM. A small part of this is kinda in a way based off of the ice cream scene that Rikki and Zane had in H2O + I had ice cream writing this. Also a spirit from an oujia board might kill us, byeeeeeee.

    After the movie, everyone had gone to bed. Robin and Raven decided to go outside manor for a little fun, and go for a walk. They walked a couple miles and left Gotham because it's sketchy at night. They found a late night ice cream parlor and decided to get some. Robin ordered his first saying he wanted 2 scoops. He then asked Raven what she wanted, and he asked her how many scoops. "I just want one scoop" Raven said to him. "Three scoops for the lady." Robin announced. Raven just rolled her eyes with a smile at his charm. They started to walk home while playing the song 'Fireflies' by Owl City.

    Robin wanted her to try his ice cream, but she denied it. He tried to force it but got ice cream on the outside of her mouth. "You're gonna regret that Grayson!" she yelled as she chased after him. She decided not to fly because that wasn't really fair. She finally caught up to him and smooshed the ice cream into his hair. They had a full on battle with their ice cream and ended up with no ice cream left, completely covered.

     They eventually threw their cones away in a nearby trash can. They just walked home side by side and Robin put his hand right behind Raven's back and quickly moved his arm in such a way to pull her right and front of him. He smashed his lips into hers. They stood there for a few moments. It was as if time stood still. No, Raven didn't stop time... but it felt like it. There was no sounds. It was utter silence. There were a million stars in the sky, but nothing was as magical as the shooting star flying over there head the moment the kissed.

   They kept trudging into the night when the wind started to pick up. Just kidding! It was Wally!!! Robin and Raven didn't realize Wally was there at first. Until he hear "awww! I always knew that you two would wind up together, and no one believed me." The two birds turn around to see Wally, not in his super suit since it was 2AM. "You did?" they both asked at the same time. "Yeah. I never saw any chemistry between you and Star like everyone else claims to. Ther wasn't anything there for you two." he said statically. Robin and Raven shared glances, then looked back at Kid Flash. "But you guys... woahhhhhhhhhhh the chemistry!!!" he said, pleased with old best friend. "Anyway, gotta run." he said laughing at his own pun.

      "Chemistry? You really think we have chemistry?" Raven asked he brand new boyfriend. "I know we do, Rae." he said, kissing the top of her head.

     They snuck their way back into Wayne Manor and they took a shower. They went to bed that night and the two of them slept peacefully beside each other. They woke up the next morning and changed. They brushed their teeth, rinsed with mouthwash, flossed, and left for breakfast. The got downstairs to see Alfred with a pile of pancakes ready to be served. Raven got some as well as Robin. He looked over at his girlfriend to see what she was looking at. She was staring off into space... or Azarath... who knows. 

   "Whacha thinking 'bout?" he asked. "Oh, nothing." "Yeah... if nothing means you think the chair across from you is interesting, then sure!" he said sarcastically. "Fine... I was just wondering what pancakes would taste like with ice cream on them" she admitted. "I'll be right back." Robin said. He came back with a tub of vanilla ice cream. They both put a little ice cream on each and folded the pancake in half. They both grabbed the pancakes and took a bite. It tasted delicious. "I gotta say, Rae. You have the best ideas." Robin complimented.

                ~a bit later~

     Robin was spending sometime with Bruce before they got going. Damien had come in to Raven's room to apologize for his behavior because his father had told him that he had to. Raven forgave him and Damien went on his way. Then Raven got a text from Starfire. The message read: "Friend Raven... You have been visiting your old friend for quite sometime now. Is everything the okay?" Raven texted Starfire back saying: "Yeah Starfire. I got too tired and decided to sleep over at their place last night. No need to worry. I'm sure Cyborg is wondering where I am, so tell him I'm in good hands, then wink. Please don't ask anymore questions, Star. I gotta go." 

    She went down to the Batcave to see her loverboy. He was joking around with his 'dad' and she couldn't help but smile knowing she's dating this perfectly amazing guy, and that they truly care about each other. She went upstairs and waited for Robin. 

     About 5 minutes later he came up, grabbed her hands, and whispered "You ready to start packing?" "I already packed Boy Blunder. I didn't really bring anything with me." He pecked her on the cheek and ran up to pack his things. Raven had followed closely behind him. 

    Robin grabbed his duffle bag and slid down the banister. "One of these days you're gonna get hurt!" she yelled from the top of the stirs with her arms crossed. "I have before, and I'll be willing to do it again for a little fun. I live on the edge, babe. Get used to it." She blushed a little when he called her babe which was absolutely f*cking adorable. "Well I live in the middle, so good luck, babe." She opened the portal, and they're back in Jump City in a lickity split.

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