The News

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      The Ouija Board demons didn't kill us, first off. Although my friend Aaliyah had random nose bleeds, which she didn't usually have... Anyway, this one is uploaded later too because I'm staying at my sister's and I waited until she went to bed. I'm learning to skateboard, so please wish me luck, I'll update on that. I hope you all enjoy the new chapter. It took a long time to write :)

    "Are you sure you're ready to tell them?" Raven asked as she stepped out of the portal with Boy Wonder by her side. "I think so... they have to know. Rather have us tell them than Cyborg, and the faster we get it over with, the faster we can stop worrying.

   They walked into the common room at the same time. "Guys, we have an announcement" Raven said. "oh... this 'ought to be good..." Cyborg said with a huge smirk on his face. "Okay... let's just get this done and over with. RAVEN AND I ARE DATING!" Robin said quickly as he grabbed her hand. Beastboy was really confused and Starfire seemed a bit upset and started to fly to her to her room. "What's wrong Starfire?" Cyborg asked. "Nothing is wrong friend Cyborg. I just feel a bit dizzy... that's all." and she was gone. Beastboy plopped down on the couch still trying to comprehend what just happened. 

"So you finally did it." Cyborg said. "It was like ripping off a band-aid. You gotta do it fast." "Well I'm proud of you Rob, and Rae. That's it!" "What's it?" Robin and Raven said at the same time, confused. "RobRae! You're ship name! "Our... what?" they said in sync. "your ship name... that's what people can call you when they're referring to your couple." he said enthusiastically. Robin and Raven just eyed each other, both visibly confused.

    They both sat in the kitchen eating waffles, Raven's favorite, talking about the couple's relationship. Starfire had come back to ask questions, clearly a little hurt. Raven was pulled aside by Starfire. "Star, I'm really really sorry, I know you like Robin, and if you don't wanna forgive me and hate me forever, I completely underst-" "Friend Raven, not to be rude, but please do the shutting up so I can speak." Raven went silent. "I am not mad, friend Raven. In fact I am over joyed for you and friend Robin. I do not like friend Robin anymore, because I simply do no wish to get in the way of your relationship. I apologize for how I reacted earlier. Now, can we do the painting of the toenails later tonight?" "Sure we can, Star."

The two girls walked back to the room room to continue with the questions. "When did you two start dating?" "About two days ago." "Where was Raven yesterday?" "I was with Robin in Gotham..." "What were you doing with him in Gotham?" "I was having dinner with Batman..." "No way! Dude! That's awesome!!! How come I couldn't come?!?" Beastboy yelled jealously. "Because he wanted to meet Robin's new girlfriend." said Raven, annoyed at Beastboy's incredibly stupid question.

    The titans had many more questions for them to handle, but Raven decided it was best for her to take a break from questions. The other titans noticed that she was getting a bit overwhelmed by the mass amount of questions and slight hysteria going around all at one time. Her and Robin cuddled for a while and talked about everything that had just happened. "You know, they really seem interested in this." Raven stated. "I can see why. We are the most attractive people in the universe." he replied haughtily. "Well you are, but I'm not. and BTW, egotistical isn't a good color on you." she retorted. "First of all, OUCH." he said. "Awwww, did that hurt you ego?" she asked with a false pouty face. "Yes, and second of all, you are the most gorgeous person I have ever seen, so don't you ever think that you're opinion is a fact, because that's not how it works." 

    Raven enjoyed their little playful arguments they shared with each other. Someone had walked in on their cute little moment. It was Starfire. "Friend Rav- Oops... I didn't mean to interrupt." she said as she was walking out. "Starfire, Wait!" she yelled running after her. "What was it you wanted to say?" she asked. "You said you'd join me in the painting of the toenails." "Okay, just give me one second." She went back to tell Robin and said he'll be in the training room. She went and painting toenails, watched a movie, jammed out to music, and made a spa. "This is a lot more fun than I thought it would be, Star. We should do this every weekend, when we are the least busy. Oh and this movie... Mean Girls, this blondie is a real b*tch." she laughed. "Friend Raven, what does b*tch mean?" "It is a word that means a very rude, obnoxious person." she admitted.  "Oh yes, then Regina certainly is the b*tch." Raven sat there for 5 minutes straight, laughing. Starfire was very confused on what was so funny, and why it made Raven laugh.

    Robin walked in and asked what was going on. "Raven and I were talking about how the girl in our movie is the b*tch." Raven continued to laugh twice as hard due to the look on her boyfriend's face. "Starfire, who taught you that word?" "Friend Raven did." Robin just died of laughter and high fived Raven over Starfire's head. "Who is the character you are referring to?" Robin asked. "It is the Regina George from Mean Girls." Robin just laughed. "Now she is a b*tch." and laughed again. Robin stayed in the room with them. They made many bags of popcorn, and relaxed. After watching the rest of the movie with her, they both left Starfire's room and the two decided to celebrate the coming out of their relationship.

It's Not What "Just Friends" Do (RobRae ~Teen Titans)Where stories live. Discover now