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Title: Hello Darkness

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Title: Hello Darkness

Author: shauna_philp

Favorite Chapter: Chapter Four is so tense and I was so hoping for some big action but I'm glad it didn't happen. I really just want Charley to have her 'I told you so' moment but maybe not if it endangers Alma and Breccan.

Favorite Character: It probably has a lot to do with the story being told from her point of view but I am in love with Charley and her sarcastic inner monologues. I can honestly feel her panic, not my favorite emotion but that's why we're able to put the book down for a few seconds to breathe. In theory. I couldn't put it down through the first read through.

Grammar & Spelling: Excellent! I had to read through every chapter three times to find just a few spelling slip-ups. Seriously, by the third read, I was picking everything apart. It's very clear you've taken a good deal of time checking things over and I did notice you had beta readers, it's really fantastic and I admire how careful you've been.

If I wasn't doing a review, I would have clicked the story just by looking at its cover: Yes, that's literally how I found it.

After reading the summary, I wanted to read the story: Yes. That end especially had me itching to dive right in and I'm glad the same heart-stopping breath stretching writing style goes through the chapters published so far.

The most likable character is: Breccan is clearly the knight in blue armor we all love. I'm torn between immediately shipping him with one of the girls and waiting for his heroic sacrifice.

The most unlikeable character is: Detective Thomas Silvano is an inappropriate adjective ....but I don't dislike him as much as Alma's mother hen mollycoddling. I really want to like her but she's so obnoxious. I understand she's also an angel for stepping into such a big role while Charley needs her but I'm not Charley and she's not my sister so I can be annoyed....even though I love her. Honestly, the characters are so dimensional I love them as much as I hate them.

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