Prologue~Mission Zero

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Swiftly, he jumped down from the building. He walked silently in the old path. He knew his way home. Playing, he swung the shining knife between his fingers, blood dripping on the floor. He could hear the sirens coming from behind as the police arrived at the scene.

They wouldn't be able to find him. He was sneaky, he knew how to avoid getting caught, he had been doing this for a long time.

Ringing caused him to sigh as he pulled out the flip phone. "What do you want Zen?"

"Boss has a job for you. Proper hard one. Up for a challenge?"

"Sure, as long as it is one, the last challenge was too easy," he said, smirking as he remembered the efforts that company went into protecting its CEO. He was a bad man who destroyed lives, and now he was dead all because of the work these assassins did.

"Don't worry, from what I've heard. This one will keep you busy. When you get back, we'll give you the debrief, and remember, don't get caught."

"Don't worry Zen, I never get caught." Slowly, he walked into the street, turning off his phone. He knew how to blend in, he pulled down his hood and hid his bloody knife. Police were still searching, but they wouldn't find him. "Hey, Karma!"

You think they would have worked out who he was sooner.


After all, not many people have bright blue hair.

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