ꕥ sᴇʟғ-ᴄᴀʀᴇ ꕥ

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America, current time: 1 am
Japan, current time: 4 pm

  "The fuck're you doing now?"

"It's called self-care, you smooth-brain." You said, staring at your mirror as you applied a gel mask onto your face. You smoothed it down, turning your face left and right to make sure it was applied correctly. "I'm trying to look my best for later today, because my dad has an interview for Fox News and he's bringing me along to brag, or something."

"The fuck is Fox News?"

"It's a news station in America. Really popular, actually. And guess what? The CEO has a fox quirk." You laughed, smearing some cream under your eyes. Bakugo snorted, turning his camera towards the door.

"Hey, hag. Say something."

"Hah?! The fuck you just call me?!"

You looked down at the camera, and you were now staring at Bakugo and a woman that looked about 25, and had similar features to him. You smiled, waving.

"Hi, Katsuki's mom."

"Aah, Katsuki, is this your friend?" His mom said, grinning and waving back. "Hi there, Katsuki's friend!"

You laughed as Bakugo walked back upstairs, closing the door behind him. "That was random, Katsuki. Why'd you have me meet your mom?"

"Cause you're gonna be coming over once in a while once you move here." Bakugo scoffed, laying on his back. "Duh."

"Says who?" You hummed, trying to contain a wide grin as you brushed your hair.

"Says me." Bakugo sighed, smirking. "I wanna hear all the dumb shit you did in America once you get here."

"Damn, then that's gonna be a whole ass novel. You might as well tell me to recite Moby Dick." You laughed, looking down and tapping the camera with your brush. "Bonk."

"You're so fucking weird." Bakugo chuckled, flipping onto his stomach and gazing at you as you peeled off your mask. "Why do girls even do that self-care shit anyways?"

"Cause girls want to look pretty sometimes, you stupid monkey. Well, prettier."

  "I'll never understand you women. All you guys do is fucking put on makeup and shit and then cry it all off."

  "And all you men do is talk about your dicks and yell. Your point is?" You snorted, raising a brow as you started to put your beauty care things away.

  "I've never talked about my dick in my life to another person." Bakugo said, putting an arm behind his head and smirking. "But if I did, I'd say it's pretty fucking big."

  "OKAYYY...I did not ask." You said abruptly, face firetruck red. Bakugo chuckled, red eyes staring up amusedly at the camera. "Um, anyways, it's like 4 there, right? What're you doing right now?"

  "What does it look like I'm doing, dumbass, I'm talking to you." Bakugo scoffed, flicking the lens. "I was gonna work out until you called me with your stupid self-care bullshit."

  "Um, it's not stupid, and if you were gonna work out then do it. I can wait."

  "Nah, I feel more like seeing you blushing again, now." Bakugo snickered, sitting up and placing his phone on his nightstand. You glanced down at your screen, raising a brow as you washed your hands.

  "What the fuck are you doing?"

  "I'm gonna make you blush. Cause your reactions are fucking hilarious."

  You rolled your eyes, then stared back down at the camera as you turned off the sink. Bakugo smirked at you, slowly lifting up his shirt. You could see his v-line, and partially see his abs. Your face grew redder and redder as he slowly went higher, until...

  "ALL RIGHT OH MY GOD STOP!!" You exclaimed, covering your face with your damp hands. Bakugo burst out laughing, grabbing his phone and quickly taking a screenshot of your embarrassed state.

  "You look like a fucking tomato! I'm gonna start calling you Tomato Face from now on!" Bakugo cackled, making you blush even more and growl.

  "Shut the fuck up!"

  "Ah, man, that was fucking priceless! You should see how red you are right now! Y'know what, lemme just send you the screenshot!"

  "You took a screenshot?!" You screeched, making Bakugo laugh even harder. A notification popped up from Bakugo and you hesitantly tapped on it, then choked on air.

"What the fuck?"

  "Fucking delete that right now!" You hissed, face flushing once again

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"Fucking delete that right now!" You hissed, face flushing once again.

"No way, Frankenshit, I'm keeping it!"

"Oh my god I fucking hate you."

"Likewise." Bakugo said, smirking. "Aww, are you embarrassed?"

"Shut the fuck up before I fly over to Japan right now and beat your ass." You growled, heart thumping and face now a bright scarlet. Bakugo laughed, flopping back down onto his bed.

"Then do it. Fly over right now."

"You're stupid."

"You're fucking stupid. Shut up."

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