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"So you're telling me that someone from your school recorded the whole fight with you and that one bitch? Every single part of it?" Bakugo said, leaning against his wall. You nodded, grinning, and pulled out your phone.

"And it's all right here, baby."

"Pull that shit up, I wanna see how badly you got your ass beat." Bakugo snorted, turning his body towards you. You sneered at him, but nevertheless opened Instagram and scrolled through your recently saved posts. You tapped on a video from a fight account, and scooted closer to Bakugo on the bed as it started to play.

"Damn...holy shit! Haha! You got her right in the fucking face!" Bakugo laughed, staring wide-eyed at your phone. You giggled, shaking your head.

  "Of course you would be excited by violence."

  "Say what you want, but fights are entertaining to watch. Why do you think people watch wrestling and boxing and shit?" Bakugo snorted, glancing up at you. You shrugged. He rolled his eyes and looked back down at the screen, eyes widening and a grin growing on his face. "Oh shit, you really fucking bit her! Right in the fucking arm!"

  You laughed, and pulled your phone back towards you. "I told you!"

"Man, you're a crazy bitch, Y/N." Bakugo chuckled, shaking his head as he stared at you amusedly. "Who's the next person you're gonna bite?"

'Um, you, daddy.'

"Bite me." You snorted, playfully pushing him. Bakugo gnashed his teeth, grinning.

"That's your job."

"Shut uppp."

You giggled, leaning up against the wall. You stared up at the ceiling, sighing.

"Man, existing is exhausting."

"You're an emo bitch."

"No I'm not. I'm a queen."

"Queen of trash."


Bakugo chuckled, hopping off of his bed. He looked back at you, cocking his head towards the door. "Let's go outside and do shit."

"Like what?" You snorted, also getting off of the bed.

"I don't fucking know, I have a skateboard. Let's skate."

"Skate? I suck at skating."

"I'll teach your hopeless ass not to fall off and shit. Unless..." Bakugo walked towards you, leaning forward and smirking. "...you're too much of a pussy to skate."

You blushed, scowling. "I-I'm not a pussy. Let's go."

"You're blushing again. Now that you're here I can embarrass your ass more." Bakugo chuckled, turning and walking away. You growled, heart thumping as you followed him downstairs.

"Oi, hag! We're gonna be out for a while." Bakugo shouted, placing his hand on the front door handle.

"Don't call me that, you brat! And you'd better keep Y/N safe!" Mitsuki yelled back, poking her head out from the living room. Bakugo clicked his tongue, opening the door and grabbing his skateboard.

"Let's go."


"How can you not even fucking keep your balance?" Bakugo scoffed, watching as you fell off the board for the fifth time. You glared at him as you stood up, dusting yourself off.

"Shut the fuck up. I can balance."

"No the fuck you can't. You're ass at skating."

"Then why don't you show me how it's done, Mr. I Can Skate Better Than You?" You huffed, crossing your arms. Bakugo rolled his eyes, getting on the skateboard.

"Alright. Stand back, unless you want to get hit in the face."

You backed away, sitting down on the grass. Bakugo started to move downhill, not too fast but not too slow. And then, he flipped one end of the board and jumped, doing a perfect kickflip. Your jaw dropped as he landed, stopping the board's movement with his foot. He smirked at you, holding the board at his side.

"That's how it's done."

"Teach me how to do that!" You blurted out, eyes sparkling. Bakugo snorted, placing the board back on the ground.

"You need to learn how to fucking balance first."

"Then teach me how to do that, then teach me to do a kickflip!"

Bakugo rolled his eyes, waving you over. You hopped up, dashing towards him. He sighed, staring at you intensely.

"Can you even get on the board?"

"Y-yes." You said defensively, placing one foot on it. You wobbled, yelping, making Bakugo snort. You felt him lift you up, placing you on the board. You turned red and gulped, still teetering on the piece of wood.

"I'm gonna guide your ass downhill, so hold onto me if you don't wanna fall off and eat shit."

You let out a shaky breath, clutching onto Bakugo's sleeve as you slowly started to move. One of his hands were on your back, the other holding onto your hand, and he was slowly but surely guiding you downhill as promised. Your heart thumped, blushing as you felt the warmth of his large hands.

"I'm gonna let go. If you wanna stop, either jump off or put your foot on the ground." Bakugo said, slowly releasing his grip on you. You gulped, glancing back at him as you started moving on your own. He smirked at you, red eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Don't fall."

  You turned red, shooting him a look before turning your attention back in front of you. You coasted down the small hill, heart thumping with excitement. You laughed breathlessly, eyes shining.

  "I'm doing it! Hell yeah!"

  Just as you said that, you hit a rock and fell off, tearing off your leg in the process.

  "Mother...fucker-!" You hissed, watching as your abandoned leg tried to stop the skateboard. The board skidded to a halt, and your leg hopped towards you, reattaching itself to your torso. You heard Bakugo's laughter, and you whirled around to flip him off and glare at him.

  "Have a nice trip?" Bakugo called out, grinning smugly.

  "Fuck off!"

jouska (k. bakugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now