Chapter Nine: A Wolf By The Ears

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Margo's POV

My body arouses in piercing Arctic chills as the room drifts into obscurity, and my comprehension fades. I slumber in Juliet's bed as my mind wanders to a disembodied voice harmonizing with agitation and brewing in sharp notes consumed by darkness. I hyperventilate, churning on the plush mattress as electricity traces my torso and touches my inner thigh. The comforter falls to the edge of the bed while my hair scours the pillow and I fall to the depths with a single stolen kiss. I draw in a sharp breath as my fingertips explore my flesh for the warmth of the quilted sheet finding only frigid hands, voyaging the scattered strands of my golden blonde hair.

The bedroom eclipses while Goulding Manor awakens, and the walls writhe. I wake up on the other side as fear cleaves to my heart while her fingernails trace the scarlet walls of Goulding Manor. I'm in a replica of Gwendolyn's home except everything's topsy-turvy, and I can't differentiate between any of the facets of her home that morphed into a paradigm. I touch the grains in the wall as Juliet materializes with a pungent smile besieged with resentment in her cornflower eyes.

I tread on the aerial rug as embellished markings immerse on the floor, resembling a woven tapestry. Juliet teeters on the carpet as she parallels a room, and eventually vanishes down the hallway. I can't help but follow her as I hyperventilate on my bed while I walk further into her existence. Juliet's voice reflects off the walls, captivating my soul like a siren luring men from their boats into the depths of the ocean. I perceive affliction lingering in her soul as Juliet descends the staircase but her soul lays next to me, forcing me to claw at a breath of air.

"I thought I lost you," Juliet sighs, "It's so cold here I can feel my past reconstruct before me."

I plunge down a flight of stairs, submerging into the architecture of Rosewood Academy, yet my footsteps have never trekked in this passageway before. Hollowed rooms encompass the floor as marijuana abducts the atmosphere and blossoms in the concealed folly of Rosewood Academy. Then the edge of the hall illuminates in a surge of waxed candles sitting atop of wrought iron chandeliers as Juliet dematerializes in the glow of twilight while her eyes wither. I can't grasp her fondness of such a secluded place as the door shuts behind me, and Asher appears in ablaze.

"Elijah's asking about the new shipment," Asher exhales as frustration takes over his countenance. "He wants to know how soon he can get the drugs so The Forsaken can distribute it, and he wants Andre."

"Remind him that Andre is under my protection, and if he lays so much as a finger on him, then I'll personally get Frank to obliterate his new project. Then I'll force Elijah to burn every last body." A distinguished man proclaims with fire laced in his tone, fusing with Asher's devilish smile.

Asher steps closer to him, matching his deceit as he mutters. "I'll make sure I deliver the message."

"The first shipment of the new product won't be ready tell December. Our pharmaceutical scientists are saying if we rush the product out too quickly, then we risk diverse side effects like pure mind control or even death." The man slowly utters, reclining back in his chair as he ponders the risk of an early shipment.

I watch the man as his dark brown hair feathers over his scalp, matching his brown irises. For a moment, he considers the danger his actions would make if he distributed an unfinished narcotic to the beating heart of New York City. I recognize his furrowed eyebrows as his mannerisms smolder across the polished floor. He bears his calm posture behind a mahogany desk, situated behind engraved letters transcribed into Latin as auribus teneo lupum. A shallow breath expels behind the door as mascara steals a glance behind the chamber door, gazing at both of them.

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