1 | The Reaping

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Chapter One
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┌───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┐Chapter OneTHE REAPING└───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┘

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The dark feeling that hung over me as I slept lingered in the air. Today was the day of the reaping, and although I had no siblings to worry about and the fact that my name had only been put into the pool of names four times, the fear still crept up inside of me as the time grew near. The anxiety that I felt bearly let me get any sleep, and when I did fall alseep, I had nightmares of my name being called.

When I did open my eyes long before the sun began to rise, I laid there staring into the darkness. Some part of me wished to be consumed by it. At least then, I wouldn't fear the reaping, or the Hunger Games, of death. The walls that surrounded me were small, it wasn't a big room that I called my own, but it was all I had. My parents had gotten a two-bedroom house, they were small, but it was just enough for the three of us. My father had passed away a couple of years ago. It was hard on us mourning our loss and trying to survive. Although my district wasn't the poorest, me and my mother still struggled to get food every day. But we managed, and we survived.

The sun had yet to rise, but I knew that I could not fall back asleep. I stood up and walked to my dresser and saw a photo of the three of us. Sometimes when I look at the few pictures we had around the house of me and my father and mother, I would wish I had a sibling. I knew it would mean certain death for them the same way it does for me. But at least then I wouldn't be alone going through all of this. I would have a shoulder to cry on, and they could do the same for me. Every time those thoughts cross my mind, I am quick to push them away. It's selfish of me to wish for a sibling knowing that if they were here and they get reaped, then I couldn't save them. I would risk my life for them, but then they would be alone.

It's no use wasting my time thinking about the 'what if,' instead, I quickly get dressed into a light brown dress and some brown boots. On special occasions, such as today, I would wear my earring and bracelet that my mother had gotten years ago. I still have hours before I have to be in the square, but my nerves are starting to get the best of me, and I can't sit still. I have found that it was better to get dressed for the reaping as soon as possible. It helps in a way. Being prepared for what could be my death helps in a powerful way to calm my nerves.

I walk out of my room and into the little living area where my mother sits on the chair, looking out of the window. She is just as nervous as I am. I can see the worry line in her forehead, I know that she tries to hide it, but she is terrified. she is fearful for me, she had already lost so many people to the Games, and she did not want to lose me as well. Her brother was chosen when she was only eleven, and she never saw him again except for when they delivered his body back in a wooden crate. Her best friend was chosen when she was sixteen, and she too came back in a wooden box. And then, when my dad died, not in the same way, she started to fear the worst about me.

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