12 | First Blood

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Chapter Twelve
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┌───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┐Chapter TwelveFIRST BLOOD└───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┘

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The ringing of the gong sounds and everyone starts running, some to the Cornucopia and others to the forests behind me. I hesitate at my metal plate, which costs me getting to the center first. A couple of seconds later and the Career Tributes are already there picking up weapons and striking them at the others. My hesitation has cost me the chance to get a weapon.

I quickly look around me and grab a backpack that was a few feet in front of me and I grab the plastic that I saw as I waited for the gong. Having all that I know I can get, I quickly take off into the forest. I just hope that I am not a target for the Careers, there is no way that I can take them on. Especially not without a weapon. I wonder where Monty is as I run through the trees. After a couple of minutes of running a stop and tightening the straps of the backpack so that it doesn't flop around and then I head off again. I want to put as much distance between me and the nearest tribute as possible.

As I run I don't notice the temperature in the arena start dropping. It's not until I stop deep into the forest to catch my breath that I realize just how cold it is. My breath comes out in little puffs of clouds and I realize why we got such a heavy jacket. Not just cold nights, but cold days as well. I have always loved the colder weather but I already know that I will not like this. It's one thing loving it while in the warmth of your house but out in it trying to survive is another.

I look around and take in my surroundings. Tall trees are all around me, providing me with cover from those who wish to kill me. The bushes on the ground will be where I sleep. I know how to find a good spot so that I won't be discovered. My father taught me before he died, he thought it would be a good idea in case I was to ever go into the Games. I am thankful for that. He showed me how to find a bush with a little cave underneath it that is hard to spot unless you know what you are looking for. I spend the next few minutes looking for the right bush and I find one a few yards away from where I started.

This will be my home here in the arena.

The bush contains berries, but from the look of them, the dark almost black coating on them and the tint of red let me know that these are deadly. Which just adds to my shelter. No one will want these berries and they will steer clear of them, leaving me alone.

The sound of the cannon makes me jump. The bloodbath must be over. They only sound the cannons after the bloodbath is over so that it is easier to keep track of who is dead. Eight cannons sound, eight of us are already dead. Sixteen of us remain.

The sun is already starting to make its way towards the horizon. There are still a few hours left of daylight and I realize that I don't have food or water. I take a seat on the cold hard ground and lean back against the trunk of the tree, pulling off my backpack to finally take a look to see what was inside of it.

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