14 | Fall of Champions

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Chapter Fourteen
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┌───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┐Chapter Fourteen FALL OF CHAMPIONS └───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┘

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Three days have passed since me and Monty meet up with Calyptus. No one has died since. The snow that had started only grew stronger. It has not stopped snowing in those three days, and now as we walk through the woods, it looks like a blizzard. There must be at least twelve inches of snow already piled up on the ground. I wonder what the plan was. Did the Gamemakers want us all to die from exposure? Surely this isn't entertaining for the people of the Capitol.

All the snow on the ground makes it hard to walk, we also leave behind a trail of footprints. I fear that someone is going to follow us because of it. I have barely slept since we arrived in the arena six days ago. I always insist on taking the first watch at night. We had to find a new place to stay, the cave that me and Monty had found was now buried in snow. We've taken to climbing trees to get out of the snow. We use the piece of plastic that I grabbed when the Games started to cover us at night. It does little it keep us warm but at least it keeps the snow from falling on us.

Calyptus did not grab a backpack from the cornucopia, so me and her share my sleeping bag, and Monty uses his. It helps but we still wake up freezing in the morning. The three of us huddle together at night to try to stay warm.

We have not ran into anyone in three days and I know by now that the citizens are getting antsy They want to see action, not this. I remember one year during a down time like this, the Gamemakers send a flood of water. That year the Games were all in caves with blood thirsty bats, and the water that flooded the caves was meant to send the people to the middle. Some drowned, but the victor of that year hung from the ceiling to survive the flood.

I doubt they will flood us, but they will most likely do something. Maybe this snowstorm is part of it. I was happy about the snow at first, it had been a while since I had seen snow, but now I am tired of it. I have had enough snow for a lifetime. I am unbearably cold and it is hard to find food. All of the plants are dead, the animals are hiding. Our crackers and dried fruit have all been eaten. We haven't had a sponsor gift of food. We haven't even had a sponsor gift at all. I haven't since the first time in the cave. I wish someone would send us food.

Water is easy to come by now. We get the snow and build a fire to melt it. The only problem with this is the water freezes back. When we got to take a drink the water has completely frozen and we only have ice. The odds of survival seem a lot slimmer.

I'm betting that the Careers who pillaged the cornucopia have all that they need to survive this. I'm sure they have plenty of food, a water bottle that doesn't freeze, and a place to sleep warmly.

My stomach rumbles as we try to find our way around. We decided that our best bet would be going back to the cornucopia in search of anything that the Careers didn't see good enough for them. For anything, they might have left behind. We are hoping that they are on the hunt and not there when we arrive. The gray sky overhead casts darkness over us. The snow comes down in a hurry, fluttering by all around us. Our hair is covered in snow, the same as our clothes. I hope that in some way that it will help conceal us. That it might provide us cover, to make us blend in.

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