15 | Fight or Flight

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Chapter Fifteen
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┌───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┐Chapter Fifteen FIGHT OR FLIGHT└───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┘

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The impact knocks the breath out of me and snow covers me as I sink down into it. The sting of the fall crawls over my entire body, I want to scream. Pain overcomes me before the shock that I am still alive. I lay there gasping for breath, and then I remember the sound of the cannon. I pull myself to sit up ignoring the pain that shoots through me. As I emerge from the thick pile of snow, I am almost sure that every camera is on me. I wonder if the blizzard that has been going for days was the very thing that saved me.

My confusion quickly turns to rage. The Careers tried to kill me but failed and now they are going to be the ones to die. I march back to the Cornucopia, not caring if anyone had just seen me fall or if someone followed my footprints. I have a blood lust right now, I can't think straight.

At the Cornucopia, I grab the first weapon that I see, not even caring that I am not good at it. The trident is what I pick up and then I take off into a sprint up the mountain. I wonder if my face shows how much I want to kill these people. Even those thoughts of killing them scares me, I have never been this angry before. Maybe it's because I am in the Games and this is a fight or flight response, or maybe it's the shock from falling off a cliff and surviving. Either way, I am going back up there and a fight is going to break out. I just hope to catch them off guard and that my bow is still up there. Or if Calyptus and Monty ran like I hoped they did maybe they took it.

I stop running as the mountain gets steeper. The incoming snow does little to help with the climb. My fingers are cold, my whole body is cold. When I fell into the big pile of snow, it all crawled into my clothes. With the snow melting on my clothes making me even colder, I cross my arms over my chest with the trident still in my hand.

The initial anger that I felt crawling out of the snow has subsided and I have no idea how I am going to pull this off. I was terrible at the trident in training, I missed the target. I close my eyes and sigh, as I continue to climb the mountain. I didn't want to climb this mountain the first time, but definitely not the second time. I force my mind away from how terrible I am at the trident, instead, I try to think of a strategy that I can use when I reach the top.

Catching them off guard seems to be the best possible way for this to go in my favor. Throwing the trident will lose me my weapon but I still have a few knives that I picked up as well. I had grabbed two knives, knowing that I am horrible at the trident and I needed a backup weapon. I am still bad at the knives but a little better than the trident.

The snow seems to come down harder, maybe the Gamemakers are mad at me for surviving. For them having a flaw in their system. Maybe they want me to die because I just deified them. Maybe they are trying to kill me from the cold, burying me into the mountain to die, instead of going down fighting like I want. I suck in a breath, I won't let this snow stop me. Nothing is going to stop me, not right now. I have a mission, find Monty and Calyptus, and kill as many Careers as I can. I hike up the mountain, determined to make it up there before nightfall.

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