Part 22

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My dad and my ex, Sam. When I went through my rough gaze I also went through quite a lot of boyfriends. I honestly don't know what I was thinking back then, but the past is the past.

"Great to see you again, babe" he smirked. I'm sorry but I called that creature my boyfriend, he's ugly as fuck! "Can I have daughter back now?" I asked unimpressed. "Well let's see, how about a trade?" My father said. "For what?" I asked. "You"

"What the hell, your not doing that!" Jax demanded. "Too late, it's fair you get her back!" I yelled back. "But I want my little sister!" He cried. "And I want the love of my life!" Payton added. "Looks like not everything always goes your way does it" I frowned trying not to cry.

Next week on Tuesday, at midnight that's when we would swap. They would get Olivia and I would hand myself in. It was Wednesday so only a few days, but we have to make the most of it I guess.

"I love you" Payton cried into my arms. He had been doing this for the last hour, repeating how much he loves me and will miss me while lying on me like a koala not letting go. Yep, I was very close to not breathing. "Yes I love you too" I said for about the 1000th time this hour.

"Morning babygirllll, I love you and want to spend time with youuu" Payton whined like the 3 year old clingy baby he has become. "Mmmhhh I need my beauty sleep" I mumbled half asleep. "No your already beautiful!" He whined pulling my up with him taking us to the bedroom since last night we fell asleep on the sofa.

We finally managed to get up and I got ready into this :

We finally managed to get up and I got ready into this :

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"Ok let's go!" I yelled through the house. Today we were all going to go for lunch then to the movies.

After we ordered our food we all went to sit down. I sat next to Payton and Charli. I was really not looking forward for what's coming up in the next few days, but it had to be done, I guess. "You alright?" Bryce asked me. "What, me, yeah I'm fine" I smiled although I knew it was fake. "Your crying" Chase added. "I'll be right back" I said as I stood up to go to the bathroom.

As I entered a ladies toilets I just burst out crying. Why would my own dad do this to me! What did he want? "Hey are you ok?" Dixie asked bursting into the toilets. "Awe baby" she comforted me by pulling me into a hug. This just made me break down even more.
After I calmed down we went back to the others.

"I don't want you to leaveeeee!" The love of my life whined. "I know you have told me many times, promise me" I laughed. "It's not funny" he mumbled as he lay down on top of me. That has become a casual thing now, although I get squished I'll cope. It's better to have the 3 year old boy your in love with complaining every second.

As we entered our room Payton I room he immediately pinned me to the wall and passionately kissed me. "I love you too, I get it, you can't make it any more clear" I laughed in between kisses. "You better love me!" He replied as he lay me down on the bed as he hovered over me. (Yeah we're going to stop there thank you very much, anywhore there did 'it')

"Morning Princess" Payton mumbled with his rough morning voice. "Morning Pay" I whispered barely audible. As I decided to get of bed. Oops. NeVeRMiNd!

"Helppppp" I whined on the floor. That right, the floor. I think he broke my legs last night. Great! Helpfully, he just looked at me and started laughing. So much for the help. Finally, we got ready into comfy clothes since we didn't really have a plan for today.

"Guess who it is bitch!" Someone said over the phone. "Matt, what do you want?" I asked. "I just thought that I'd let you know that they've changed it to Monday at midnight" he replied. "Really?!" I whined. "Yep, now let's talk about what's happening with your gang."

After a long discussion we decided that Hunter would take over the gang. Hopefully, I could get back here as soon as possible. "Angel, at 7:30 I'm taking you in a date so get ready" Payt smiled popping by my room. "Okay Bubba" I replied.

"No, you should wear this!" Addison squealed. "No this!" Charli exclaimed. Dixie and Avani just sat out of this one since Vani was going to do make up and Dixie apparently didn't need a say and only the overall look. Well that's what Charli said at least. All I can say is, damn it's stressful getting ready with these girls. Eventually, we decided on an outfit :

As I walked downstairs I saw my beautiful boyfriend, that I'd be leaving in a few days

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As I walked downstairs I saw my beautiful boyfriend, that I'd be leaving in a few days. No, let's not focus on that! He wore a white his white button up shirt which of course wasn't done up all the way with his black ripped jeans. "How can someone be so stunning?" Payton asked genuinely amazed. "How can someone be so hot" I smiled kissing him.

"So where are we going?" I asked as we head off. "You shall see" he smirked.
As the car came to a stop he put a blindfold over my eyes so I couldn't see. "Nooo, not the makeup" I giggled. "You better not make me walk into something!" I laughed as Payton joined in. "I won't don't worry."

"It's beautiful!" I gasped. We were at an amazing beach where the sunrise was going down. It made an amazing effect down on the water. "Ava..." he said taking my hands and looking me in the eyes.

Words : 1020

A/N : I wonder what's going to happen ;)
Looks like you'll have to wait for next chapter 🌷

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