Chapter 6

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"For fucks sake! If you don't move right fucking now, I'm gonna drag you by the hair!"
Fuyuhiko yelled as Mikan cried. "I-I don't want to! I d-don't wanna look at it!" Mikan screamed as Fuyuhiko tried to drag her away.
"You're a nurse, for fucks sake! You should be used to watching blood, like all the fucking time! That's your fucking job!"
"Call someone else!"
Fuyuhiko then stopped and turned around to face the nurse with an expression that looked like he was about to kill.
"And who the fuck am I supposed to call?" He pronounced every word like it was it's own sentence.
"I-I dont k-know." Mikan replied, still trying to get away from him.
"Fuck it... If you won't come willingly I'll get Tanaka to drag you there by force."

Just as he was ready to leave Komaeda and Hinata came by, probably because of the screaming.
"So you found her, I assume." Hinata asked to which he recieved a glare from the yakuza.
"No fucking shit, dumbass. But I can't get her to fucking come with me. She's been bitching for the past 10 minutes."
"10 minutes? Do you realize that Soda could be dead by now!?"
Fuyuhiko raised an eyebrow and turned back to Mikan.
"You better stay where you fucking are."
He then turned around and walked off.
"Where are you going now?!" Nagito yelled behind him.
"To go get Tanaka, since Tsumiki won't fucking move on her own."

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