Chapter 14

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Kazuichi was caught off guard when Gundham suddenly closed the gap between them. But he soon relaxed and let it happen. Gundham slowly put his hand behind Soda's head and deepened the kiss. They ended making out for more then 5 minutes only stopping when they needed air.
Sometimes Soda would let out some quiet moans and gasps, and that made Gundham smile into the kiss.
After some time they both pulled away, blushing a deep pink and smiling at each other.
"Do you believe me now, Kaz?" Tanaka asked.

Kazuichi turned away, trying not to look flustered as he gave a nod to the breeder.
"Yes. I believe you."
"I am certainly pleased to hear that." Gundham looked at the pinkette and smiled at him.
"I love you, Kazuichi. Don't ever forget that."
"I love you too."
They sat together on the beach for a few minutes before Soda started to cry out of nowhere which made Tanaka panic.
"Hey. Why are you crying, my love? Is there something wrong?"
"C-can we go back, please. It's just... Everything hurts more all of a sudden a-and I f-feel like I'm gonna throw up." The pinkette explained, clutching onto his amputated arm.
Gundham nodded and immediately picked him up bridal style and started walking back to his cottage.

They made it after a few minutes and Soda was pale as a ghost at that point. As he was put down on his bed he immediately shot up and put a hand over his mouth.
"I'm gonna be sick."
Gundham looked around before he ran into the bathroom and came out with a bucket.
"Here you go." He gave it to Soda, who threw up seconds after.
After he was done he looked up at Tanaka and started to sob.
"I'm so sorry you have to put up with me! I'm a disgusting mess, I know. I don't know what's wrong with me."
The breeder sat on the bed next to him and gently started to rub his back.
"Why are you apologizing? You should not feel bad for being in pain. It is not your fault, and as I told you a lot of times before, I will be by your side no matter the circumstances."

The pinkette looked down and sniffed, before crying again.
"Thank you, Gundham. You don't how much all of the things you've done for me mean to me. Really, thank you."
Gundham gave him a small kiss on the forehead before taking the bucket that Soda was still holding and taking it to the bathroom to clean it up.
In the meantime he let Soda be with his Devas for a bit.

As he was finishing cleaning up an announcement popped up on the screen.
Kazuichi looked up, at the screen and Gundham was just listening from the bathroom.
"Puhuhuhu! Good afternoon, students! So as you may or may not know a class trial will be taking place today. At the usual place, usual time blah blah blah... Oh I almost forgot! I just wanted to tell you that be especially careful about the claims you make this following trial! That's all for now! Bye bye!"
The screen went black as Gundham emerged from the bathroom and Soda giving him a frown.
"They still blame you, don't they?"
"Indeed they do, my love."
Soda sighed and looked out the window while petting on of the Devas.

"Don't you think that this trial is a bit off? I mean, nobody died. I'm still here, but people still blame you for my murder!"
Kazuichi was getting kinda upset at the fact that people were blaming Gundham. But what would that help if nobody knew if he was even alive at this point.
He got lost in his thoughts for a bit before being snapped out of it by Tanaka.
"Kazuichi. If anything were to happen at the class trial today, I want you to know that I love you. And that-"
"What are you saying?! You're not going to get executed! You are not the culprit! We will make people believe that! And if they don't then too bad for them because they are going down with the fucking ship!"
The pinkette yelled at the breeder who was lost for words.

"And if they come to the correct answer? That means that... Sonia will be executed."
The breeder looked away from Kazuichi when he pronounced the princess's name. He knew that Soda still blamed himself for what Sonia did and he didn't want to bring her up unless absolutley necessary. He didn't want the princess to be executed. Even tho she was the one behind Kazuichi's "murder" and Gundham being framed.
"But... Miss Sonia... She didn't do anything."
The pinkette whispered to himself and looked away.
"It was my fault. If anything I should be the one that gets executed. I was the one who caused all this."
The last sentence made Gundham's blood boil. Kazuichi is blaming himself? Again? For what Sonia did. For what that princess did. FOR WHAT THAT TRAITOR DID!
Soda let out a gasp frowning at the breeder who looked quite pissed off.
"You are still justifying that... that... that demons actions. Do you not realize what she has done to you. She attempted to kill you. To take your life away, and later point the finger at me. And all of this was because of my love. Because I loved you and not her. She is nothing but a lovesick liar who is nothing but a rotting soul, waiting to find the perfect time to strike again and infuse this wretched planet with nothing but despair."

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