Chapter 15

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Soda was still taken aback by the breeder's sudden outburst. He didn't dare to move so he just stared at the bed and waited for Tanaka to calm down.
Gundham on the other hand was still as angry as ever. He could swear that he saw red in that very moment. He looked away from Soda and went to the door.
"Where are you going? You can't just leave!" The pinkette yelled behind him, but Tanaka didn't answer as he opened the door and left to god knows where.

Kazuichi sighed and turned his attention on the window again.
"What am I gonna do? What if he does something stupid? What if he-" Soda immediately stopped himself and shook the tought out of his head.
"No, he wouldn't. He's not capable of killing anyone."
He stared out the window before a weird sense that someone was watching him crept up on him.

He turned around to face the door and what he saw left him speechless.
At the door was standing none other than Sonia Nevermind.
"Hello, Kazuichi. Long time no see." The princess greeted with a voice that sent shivers down Soda's spine.
"M-miss Sonia? What are you doing here?
Sonia giggled to herself before walking over to the pinkette's bed and stood over him with a creepy smile on her face.
It was the same damn smile that she had when she was towering over Kazuichi back at the beach.
"Don't worry, Kazuichi. I'm not gonna hurt you. That's not what friends do after all."
Soda was getting quite uncomfortable with the entire situation.
Sonia was acting way to creepy for her own good, and her goddamn whispering didn't help one bit.

"What do you want?" The pinkette asked and that seemed to attract the princess's attention.
"Nothing. Not from you anyway. I just came to tell you something that you may find quite interesting."
She sat down next to Soda and put a hand on his knee and smiled at him.
"I'm sorry that this may come as a shock to you, but..." She let out a sigh before looking directly into Soda's eyes with an expression that looked nothing more than despair itself.
"Gundham doesn't love you. In fact he already told me. He just saw you as an opportunity to get closer to me. He was mine all along, but you were just too stupid to see it."
Kazuichi's anxiety shot thru the roof at that very moment. His heart started racing and he couldn't keep calm anymore.
"Get away from me!" He yelled as he pushed the princess away with his one good arm as hard as he could. As she feel backwards he stumbled to the door and ran out.
As he was running the pain started to kick back in, but he didn't stop.
"I have to find him. If I don't she'll murder us both."

He ran all the way to the farm and as he made it to the entrance gate his legs gave out and he collapsed to the floor.
He was gasping for air and trying to get back up as he heard the most creepiest voice call put for him.
"Oh, Soda! Where did you go, you silly goose?!"
"Fuck. How did she find me? I have to hide." As he was crawling to the door, somebody grabbed him and pulled him into a bush.
"What the-"
"Shut your ass if you don't wanna get fucking slaughtered."

As Kazuichi turned to face the person he let out a sigh of relief when he saw none other than Boss baby himself.
"Fucking hell. You scared me, Fuyu."
The pinkette whispered and gave the yakuza a smile.
"Shut the fuck up. If you say one more fucking word I'll throw you back out there." Fuyuhiko whisper yelled back at Soda as he looked out for the princess.
"She's completely lost her shit, hasn't she?"
He asked and Soda just gave him a nod.
"Well, I'm glad to see that you aren't fucking dead on the ground, though."
"Wow thanks, you're such a caring person." Kazuichi muttered and gave Fuyuhiko a obviously fake smile.
"Aww, thank you."
The yakuza whispered while giving him the middle finger.
"I was being sarcastic."
"I know, you fucking imbacile."

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