RE 3 Arc Part 2: Walk through the Streets

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"And that's the reason, why ass is superior than tits and thighs rules them all." (Y/n) said.

"What are you even talking about? You told us your story and then ended it with these words." Carlos said.

"Trust me. The readers will know."

"Anyway. So you are basically a thinking zombie, because of some unknown guy, who owned a mansion with zombies, that is now blown up?" he asked (Y/n).

"If you say it like that, then yes."

"*sigh* Whatever. We can talk about this later, when we evacuated the civilians. You ready Jill?"

She glared at (Y/n), before she looked back at Carlos and nodded.

"I think she doesn't like me."(Y/n) whispered to Amy.

Carlos gave Jill a  communicator and she left.

(Y/n)'s pov.:

"Alright! Now that she's gone we can start doing nothing." I said and leaned back.


"What? Going with her? Why should I? She can handle herself."


"No! Not my DIO figure collection! I'm going, I'm going!!!"

I quickly stood up.

"But your coming with me." I grabbed Amy's hand and we went after Jill.

Once on the surface we looked for her and spotted her shooting a zombie in the head.

We approached her. She quickly turned around and pointed her gun at us, before she relaxed.

"Oh. It's you." she said with a displeased voice.

"Yup. We thought you would feel better if you had someone with you. Totally not, because I was forced to." I muttered the last part.

"I don't need you. Just go back or better yet, go dissappear fully."

"Sheesh. What's your problem?"

"My problem?! Your a fucking zombie! How could I trust you, when you could at any point bite me in the back? Maybe your story was made up and you are behind all this mess!!" she snapped at me.

I wanted to calm her down, when suddenly a zombie appeared behind her and grabbed her.

It was about to bite down on her, when suddenly a bullet went through its head. It fell down dead.

After confirming it was dead, Jill turned back towards us and saw me holding a hand gun.

"Still don't need help? We could watch your back?" I asked with a smile.

"..... *sigh* Come. We don't have all day." she sighed in defeat and continued walking

"Yay! We are friends!" I said with my arms raised in the air. Amy did the same behind me, but expressionless.

"We aren't." Jill simply said.

We continued on our way.

Because our way was blocked by fire, we tried to look some way to put it out.

We made our way through alleys and house.

During that, zombies tried to get a bite out of Jill. She took care of most of them and we just finished the rest.

I shot a zombie and he fell down, but was still alive.

I took out a pen and drew a mustache on his face.

Undead Talking (Resident Evil x Zombie Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now