RE 3 Arc Part 3: Sub Station And Double the Trouble

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(Y/n)'s Pov.:

After my 'Excorcism' was done, we proceeded on our way, till we finally reached the Sub station for the trains.

But once we arrived in the control room, we saw a giant nest? hanging from above.

"Mothertrucker..What the frick is this?" I asked.

We went through the door and were met with an disgusting smell.

"Urgh. It smells like- I don't even wanna think about it." Jill said holding a arm infront of her face.

"It's like a zombie dog took a dump and someone put it on fire." I said, holding my nose.

Amy just nodded, while also holding her nose.

We walked down some stair. 

When we were at the bottom, we saw a corpse of someone, holding a box.

Before we went to him, we grabbed all the herbs and ammo, which was laying around.

Jill wanted to grab the box, when suddenly something burst out of his stomach. Insects...

"OH GOD!! GET THEM AWAY FROM ME!! KILL THEM WITH FIRE!!!!!" I yelled, as I jumped in jills arms.

She just looked at me, before she let go and I fell to the ground.


"What is up with you?" she asked.

"I just HATE insects. They're disgusting and most of the time are after your blood or something! If we didn't have to do something here, I would burn down this place down." I complained.

"Stop bitching around and stand up already." Jill said.

"Urgh. Fine." I said and stood up.

We went through the door at our side, but something was wrong.

"Hey do you also hear this crawling soun-" before I could finish, a GIANT FUCKING INSECT came down and grabbed jill and opened her mouth, to push in something."

"DEAR MOTHER OF SATAN!!!" I said and shot at it with a shotgun.

It died and let out a dying screech.

"I. hate. this. place." I complained, but noticed jill laying on the ground.

"Urgh!" she held her stomach in pain.

"Well. shit!" 

I quickly kneeled down and began to examine her condition. It was kinda weird. As if I knew what to do. Can't say that happens often. Anyway. Back to Jill.

"So. I have good news and bad news. Good news is, that you aren't infected with this 'attack'. The bad thing is, that there are now multiple eggs in you, that will hatch in a few minutes, if you don't barf them out already. But I think, that these eggs have something on them, so that you can't get them out the normal way. So I have to do something. Don't worry. I don't know what I'm doing." I proudly said.

"Urgh. Great.... So that's how I'm gonna die. Killed by eggs, while an idiot tries to save me."

"Hey! I prefer the term 'professional Moron'. Amy! It's time for another transformation."

Just like that Amy and I dissapeared for a sec, before we came back, now looking like a nurse and a doctor........ I was the nurse.

"Whoops. Wrong costume. Even tho I look sexy in that. You look good to Amy. Anyways. Let's try this again." 

After another dissapearence, we now wore the right things.

I once again kneeled down and looked at jill.

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