RE 4 Arc Part 1: Vacation

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'Ah shit. Here we go again'

*Edit* 'And again......'


"Huff, huff." currently a woman was trying to escape a angry mob of villagers, who threw all kinds of weapons at her or wanted to hit her with them. 

She managed to kill some of them, even through they're tough to beat, before running into a house and shut the door

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She managed to kill some of them, even through they're tough to beat, before running into a house and shut the door.

"Shit! What now?"


"Great. Chainsaw."

She turned around, wanting to go upstairs, when she saw a....... rather weird scenario.

"THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!!" A male in Priest clothes yelled, while holding a cross against one of the villagers, who was bound to a chair.

Together with him, there was a girl wearing nun clothes, who was spraying something out of a bottle at the man, as he was slowly disolving.

Together with him, there was a girl wearing nun clothes, who was spraying something out of a bottle at the man, as he was slowly disolving

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(Redesign for amy)

"Good. The Exorcism is compl-dammit! That one died too! *sigh* You know Amy, I'm starting to think that this isn't holy water. Or maybe we are TOO good. Hm?" He said, as he noticed the woman standing there.



"This is excactly what it looks like."

"What even-" she shook her head and pointed her gun at us. "Who are you, are you one of them and how did you get here?!"

"Well. To answer your questions, I'm (Y/n) milfloving (L/n), Nope I'm not one of them and you may wonder how I got here. For that we need to go back for a few days. Start the flashback author!"

*Somewhere in New York. A few days ago.*

"Welcome to Jill's Sandwich. How can I help you?" a certain zombie protagonist said, while wearing work clothes with the shops logo on it.

 How can I help you?" a certain zombie protagonist said, while wearing work clothes with the shops logo on it

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"Uhm... do you sell other things except sandwiches? Like burgers or something?" the customer asked.

"Yeah sure. You just have to go outside, walk down the street, turn right and go into the next best Burger King, YOU FAT BASTARD! SHOVE YOUR BURGERS UP YOUR ASS! THIS IS A HEALTHY SANDWICH STORE!" He yelled and the now scared customer ran away.

"Hmpf! The nerve of some people. How's it going for you Amy?" He said and looked over.


"Uhm... so do you have any recomendations?" The customer in front of her asked.


It seems like everything went perfectly, till....

"WHERE IS THE MANAGER?!!" a voice yelled. A voice that is all too familiar to everyone working at a Restaurant, fast food and actually every shop ever.

A Karen.

Followed by her 'little Angels' she went up to the counter.

"I have some complains!! I told that girl over there that I would post about this place on my facebook account with 1254 followers, if we get food for free here!! But she denied my friendly gesture!" she complained.

"Mom, Kyle isn't feeling so good." One of her children said.

"Not now Kevin. Tell him to lick on his healing stones."

"Ma'am, I AM THE MANAGER, and it is clearly stated on our board over there, that we don't accept such things." (Y/n) said, TRYING to hold himself back, because he didn't want to deal with that bullshit.

"This is unacceptable!! This is a free land and blah blah blah blah blah...." she continued on with it.

Having enough he simply said.

"Hey! Are these normal black people just enjoying their food over there?"

"OH NO!! QUICK CHILDREN! TO THE CAR!" The karen said, took her kids and ran away.

".....That was pretty racist, even for my standards and that's saying something."

"........." Amy said.

"Yeah....You're right...... We need a Vacation." he said and pulled up a nerfgun.


The people ran out the shop scared.

"Hope you had a great meal." he said when they finally were gone.

"Alright. Time to look for something." he pulled out a laptop.

"Hm..... Spain looks like a perfect place. What do you think amy?"


"Great! Then let's pack up our stuff and go."


Both of them were currently on a plane in some tourist clothes.

"Let's see. Where do you want to go first?" He said and looked at a catalog with tourist spots.

"Meh. Whatever, I'm gonna take a nap."

A few seats in front of them, a man pulled out something out of his bag. A water bottle.

"Hmpf. Why should I get rid of it? It's just a drink. I don't know why they make such a fuss over it. What's the worst that could happen?"

In the next moment, the plane went 90 degree straight down towards the ground and crashed. In the prozess everyone was killed.... Well, except for two people.

"*Cough* *cough* The fuck? Are we already here?" (Y/n) asked, while his body was regenerating. Amy was also regenerating, while she stood up.

Looking around our both protagonists were somewhere in a forest.

"Hm.... That looks different than in the catalog." he scratched his chin while looking at the pictures in it. Meanwhile Amy simply facepalmed behind him.

"Meh, whatever." He threw away the map. "Let's just walk. I have to use the new camera I bought." he said, pulled out a camera and began taking pictures.

A few minutes later and both of them saw a village.


"Sounds good. Let's ask for direction."


Currently they stood in the village, surrounded by the angry mob holding weapons. Corpses were pierced on wooden spikes and burned by campfires.



"..........*Click*" (Y/n) simply took a picture.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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