RE 3 Arc Part 7: Final

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3rd Person pov.:

Jill slowly opened her eyes, after she had a nightmare.

"Urgh. My head..." Jill said, before she saw (Y/n) and Amy sitting besides her bed.

"Hey you. You're finally awake. You tried to cross the border right? Got ambushed by the imperials. Same as us and the thief over there."

"(Y/n). Stop this. My head still hurts and I can't handle your bullshit right now." she said and rubbed her head.

"Fineeeee. Tch. Meanie."

"What even happened?" Jill asked, looking around.

"Hm? Oh. You got stung by McFuckface and got infected. We got you here and the others found a cure."he answered.

"And where are they?"

"Well...." he turned on the TV and Jill saw what was happening.

"..... Shit." she said and quickly stood up. She began to pack her stuff.

"Where you going Bae?"

"I'm going after them of course!" she said and left the room.

"....... Urgh! Fine! Come on Amy, we're going too. At least I'm giving the readers more memes." both of them followed her.

They stepped out the room and heard tyrell just finish saying, that there is an underground facility under the hospital, where the vaccine is located.

We three then walked through the hospital, till they-

"Urgh. Can't you hurry up writing that we arrived already?" (Y/n) said to me.

"Shut up! I'm trying to write the way to it."

"Fuck that! Look what I'm simply doing!"

*Timeskip Requiem*

'What the- Hey!'

"There. Done. Now onward with the story!"

"Urgh. I swear, if you weren't one of my best stories, I would delete you already."

"Haha! You can try! I'm as immortal as smartboineo's (Y/n) once was."

"*Sigh* whatever. Moving on!"

The three of them arrived in a big area, where they saw Nikolai downloading data from a pc.

They jumped down, to get to the elevator, which would lead to him, but before they could go up, the electricity went off.


"Come on. There has to be some spare batteries somewhere else." Jill said and they made our way to a lift. 

But before they got there, a dead body fell from the ceiling.

"Is..Is it dead?" Jill asked.

"Hmmm....." (Y/n) said and poked it with a stick. "Well it look that wa-"


The body suddenly groaned and stood up.

""Aaahh!!"" (Y/n) and jill both screamed and promptly began firering at it and it fell to the ground, but it was still alive.

"Take this bat jill!"

"Take this bat jill!"

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