Chapter 11: Setting Off

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"Erza, do we really need all this?" Gray asked dubiously.

She glared at him. "Preparedness is key."

"How much longer?" Happy whined. "I'm hungry."

"Happy, we're not even on the train yet..." Carla sighed.

"I'm sure Juvia isn't gonna be happy about this." Wendy smirked. 

"What do you mean?" Gray asked.

"You just left without saying anything." 

He startled. "Oh no she's gonna kill me."

"I'm here! Sorry I'm late!" Lucy yelled out of breath as she approached the others. In her hands was Natsu's scarf. "I forgot this."

"Lucy, quiet. Everyone's staring." Erza mumbled.

"I'm sorry." Lucy whispered.

"Let's just go." Gray said as he steered them towards the train.

"Ow! Careful!" Wendy cried.

"I'm sorry!" He gritted his teeth.

"Oh my God, all of you just shut up!" Happy shouted. The others glared daggers at him.

Erza shoved us into the seats. "Look, I know everyone's anxious and cranky, but we don't need to be making a scene."

"Good thing Natsu's not here." Gray said. "He'd be making a scene with his motion sickness."

Lucy swatted his arm. "Be nice."

"Okay, once we get to Hargeon, we're going to need a boat." Erza said. "Then we'll travel to Alakitasia. Or better yet, Zeref hasn't left Ishgar, and we'll come across him somewhere along the journey."

Gray scoffed. "Yeah right."

"Let's be positive..." Wendy suggested.

"How long is this trip going to take?" Lucy asked.

"Um, it takes about 10 days." Erza replied as she checked her map.

"There and back?" Gray asked.

"No, just to Alakitasia." 

Everyone groaned. "That's so far!"

"Wait, did anyone tell Master we were leaving?" Carla asked.

"Yeah, I told him we needed a little time to clear our heads." Lucy said.

"A little time? More like a month." Gray grumbled.

"Good thing you did because I totally forgot to." Erza chuckled.

"What?! Erza forgot something?!" Happy asked with fake shock.

"I was distracted." She rolled her eyes.

"It's not like you to be distracted." Gray pointed out.

"Well...I'm still trying to process everything." Erza admitted. "To be honest, this entire thing feels like a dream I haven't woken up from yet."

"Yeah, I feel the same." Wendy smiled crookedly. She immediately turned green as the train started moving.

Suddenly, Lucy felt something heat up next to her. She grabbed her key ring and gasped. Natsu's key was glowing red. "What's happening?"

"Lucy! Let me out!" Natsu's loud voice angrily rang throughout the train car. People gave the team odd glances.

"Lucy! Make him shut up!" Erza hissed.

"I don't know how to. This has never happened before." Lucy said nervously. She gripped the key in her hand. "Shut up Natsu."

"Let me out!"

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